Home » Pd, last Bonaccini-Schlein broadsides. “With me you win”. “Enough of caciques”

Pd, last Bonaccini-Schlein broadsides. “With me you win”. “Enough of caciques”

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Pd, last Bonaccini-Schlein broadsides.  “With me you win”.  “Enough of caciques”

Primaries Pd, Bonaccini: “Winning with me”. Schlein: “Enough with caciques and club bosses”

Stefano Bonaccini look to the aftermath: “If I become secretary, I make a commitment: in a few years we will return to the government by beating the right at the polls and already in a year we will do everything to be the first party in the European elections”. Elly Schlein invites Pd voters to bet: “You can’t go ahead with safe second-hand vehicles”.

Latest broadsides between the two candidates in tomorrow’s primaries, who will nominate the new leader of the Democratic Party. Both gave an interview to La Stampa. “If I win, I will ask 5stelle and third Polo to fight together on public schoolgiven that the government is cutting the territorial network”, says Bonaccini, who promises a fight over the minimum wage and a “seriously feminist party with half of the candidates in the next elections women, not a minority and closed in a redoubt, but which will win again “.

Again in La Stampa, Elly Schlein says: “If I win the primaries, it will no longer be tolerated that in this party someone feels in control of the cards and of the people. We will put an end to the logic of co-optation, in which women are only good in the role of “deputy”. We will put an end to the party of club chiefs and caciques”.

Meanwhile Enrico Letta greeted from the Ukrainian embassy, ​​bequeathing a Pd linked to Kiev. “The Democratic Party is consistent. My final act as secretary is consistent. I am at the Ukrainian embassy and later I will go to the Russian embassy to express support for the attacked Ukrainian people”. This was stated by the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, who brought the solidarity of the party to the Ukrainian ambassador on the first anniversary of the invasion Letta continues: “The contradictions of the majority are evident. Berlusconi’s words speak for themselves.”

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Letta, accompanied by Serracchiani, Amendola, Borghi and Ascani, continues: “We want to achieve peace and to do this, Ukraine must be able to defend itself. Chinese mediation is an important novelty but to achieve peace Kiev must defend itself. Italy supports the European values ​​of freedom and justice. Italy supports international law and not the law of the strongest”.

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