Home » The hotel fired the cleaning staff and received a lot of bad reviews: the leader actually said that she was not qualified to hand in 20,000 yuan to the store–Fast Technology–Technology Changes the Future

The hotel fired the cleaning staff and received a lot of bad reviews: the leader actually said that she was not qualified to hand in 20,000 yuan to the store–Fast Technology–Technology Changes the Future

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The hotel fired the cleaning staff and received a lot of bad reviews: the leader actually said that she was not qualified to hand in 20,000 yuan to the store–Fast Technology–Technology Changes the Future

The hotel fired the cleaning staff and received a lot of bad reviews: the leader actually said that she was not qualified to hand in 20,000 yuan to the store

2023-02-25 23:36:17 Source: KuaiTech Author: Xuehua Editor: Xuehua Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

Sister Song, a cleaner at Dalian Zihang Seafood Hotel, broke the news. On January 28, she picked up 20,000 cash in a black plastic bag at work.A few days later, Sister Song learned that no one had claimed it, so she chose to call the police. The third-party company to which Sister Song belonged fired her after learning that she chose to call the police after picking up the money.

Then the hotel manager called the leader of the third-party company to which Sister Song belonged. After the company leaders learned that he chose to call the police to find the owner, he decided to fire him.

The leader stated that “the money picked up will be managed by the store. Sister Song is not qualified to call the police, so the losses caused to the store will be deducted from her salary.” Sister Song said that she did nothing wrong and did not cause any loss to the restaurant, and suspected that the restaurant wanted to take it privately. The money is still with the police.

This incident has sparked heated discussions on social media, and netizens have expressed that this is a black shop! Angry netizens even went to the Dianping app to find the homepage of the hotel in question, and frantically wrote one-star bad reviews.

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The hotel fired the cleaning staff and received a lot of bad reviews: the leader actually said that she was not qualified to hand in 20,000 yuan to the store

“If I lose money in this store, is it impossible to get it back?” “Do I not need to bring money to eat here?” There are already dozens of similar comments in the message area.

The hotel fired the cleaning staff and received a lot of bad reviews: the leader actually said that she was not qualified to hand in 20,000 yuan to the store

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Responsible Editor: Xuehua

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