Home » Mattarella tomorrow in Crotone. To pay tribute to the victims – Calabria

Mattarella tomorrow in Crotone. To pay tribute to the victims – Calabria

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Mattarella tomorrow in Crotone.  To pay tribute to the victims – Calabria

Migrant shipwreck, tomorrow Mattarella in Crotone

The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, will be in Crotone tomorrow to pay homage to the victims of the sinking of the boat on which a group of migrants were travelling. The shipwreck has caused the confirmed death, at the moment, of 67 people and an as yet unknown number of missing persons. Of the visit of President Mattarella, of which the details are currently lacking, it has been learned from local sources. According to what has been learned, the Head of State should go to the Palasport, where the coffins of the victims of the shipwreck are lined up.

The investigating judge of the Court of Crotone validated the arrest of two smugglers of the boat that crashed on the coast of Cutro causing the death of 67 people. The two, a 50-year-old Turk and a 25-year-old Pakistani, were arrested on Monday together with a 17-year-old young man, for whom the Catanzaro Juvenile Court is proceeding, which has set the validation hearing for tomorrow . The investigating judge Michele Ciociola ordered the precautionary measure in prison for the two who are under investigation for aiding and abetting illegal immigration, culpable shipwreck and injuries. A fourth smuggler is under investigation but is currently untraceable.

The number of victims of the sinking of the boat loaded with migrants in the waters of Steccato di Cutro rises to 67. The discovery took place in the morning. The last body, in chronological order, to have been recovered by the rescuers who are operating in the area of ​​the tragedy, is that of a little girl.

The first to intervene at 4.30 am after the shipwreck were 2 carabinieri from the mobile radio of the Compagnia di Crotone of the boat loaded with migrants. The military rescued two people and recovered 17 bodies. “We approached, diving into the water, noticing the presence of two unconscious bodies, under the boat and in danger of being crushed … A woman had already died, while a man was in respiratory distress” reads the report to the records of the investigation. Only later did some fishermen arrive, and subsequently 118, Gdf, Police, Coast Guard and staff of the Reception Center.

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Why didn’t we go out? That’s not how the speech is. You should know the plans, the agreements that exist at ministerial level. Our rules of engagement are a very complex reconstruction not to do for press articles. There would be a need to specify many things about how the device for plotting migrants works, from who arrive in territorial waters to who then have to be escorted or welcomed: the operations are carried out by the Gdf until they become Sar. In this case the dynamics need to be verified”. Thus the commander the Commander of the harbor master’s office of Crotone Vittorio Aloi.

“We understand that on Sunday the sea was force 4 but larger patrol boats could have navigated even with sea force 8. Didn’t we get any alarms? I repeat, now there is an intricate discourse of reconstruction of the facts whose conclusions I cannot and cannot allow myself to anticipate because we have not even arrived there. We are redoing the whole process of the facts and then we will report to the judicial authority”. To say the commander of the Crotone port authority Vittorio Aloi.

“We believe we have operated according to our rules of engagement in this case as well. We are only sorry to read in the newspapers that we have not carried out the rescue. We understand that you can save 100,000 but then it is that only kid or child or family who does not you manage to save that makes your work seem pointless. It’s not about bureaucracy and any experience can be treasured. We will see at the end of the investigations that are not only criminal but also internal and administrative. I’m tried humanly but professionally I’m fine”. Thus the commander of the Captaincy of Crotone Vittorio Aloi.

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“It would take too long to specify what our rules of engagement are and they cannot be summarized also because they are often rules that do not emanate from the ministry to which I belong, they emanate from that of the interior. It is a very complex reconstruction”. Thus the commander of the Crotone port authority Vittorio Aloi.

The funeral home at Palamilone, the sports hall of Crotone, which welcomes the coffins of the victims of the shipwreck of Steccato di Cutro, it was opened in an atmosphere of great emotion and condolences by interreligious prayer led by the imam of the Cutro mosque, Mustafa Achik, and by the bishop of Crotone, Angelo Raffaele Panzetta. There are already many people who have come from all over Calabria to pay homage to the coffins placed on the parquet floor of the structure. All 27 mayors of the Crotone area and local administrators were present. Two ladies from Crotone were the first to enter to pay homage to the victims. “Let’s hope it’s the last – one of them said through tears – they have to see what to do from the government”. “We are here – added the other – because it is a huge tragedy that cannot fail to strike us. We were lucky to be born here”. There is so much emotion among those coffins, many of which are white.

The email with which Frontex – at 11.03 pm on Saturday evening – he communicated the sighting of the boat loaded with migrants then wrecked 100 meters from the beach of Cutro, it did not indicate the number of appearances on board emphasizing only that there could be “possible other people below deck”. In the message also Frontex it indicated a “good buoyancy” of the vessel.

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The 3 October Committee, an organization born after the 2013 tragedy in Lampedusa, which has been involved for years in identifying the victims of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, he asked to the head of the civil liberties and immigration department, to the extraordinary commissioner for missing persons and to the prefect of Crotone to proceed with the identification of the victims of the shipwreck that took place in Steccato di Cutro before their burial. “As happened in other tragic shipwrecks, by virtue of the Lampedusa protocol and thanks to the active and tireless work of the Labanof Institute (Laboratory of Anthropology and Forensic Odontology of the University of Milan), the identification of the corpses of the shipwrecks is possible – explain the promoters of the committee-. Before burial, it is essential that information is maximized in anticipation of future identification by “matching” post-mortem and ante-mortem data. We ask all authorities to apply, in the absence of a specific protocol, Interpol’s Dvi (DisasterVictimIdentification) protocol, which provides for: photographic surveys, collection of clothing and personal effects and autopsy and odontological examination“. “Even the families of the deceased or missing people should be considered victims of the same shipwrecks and should be involved as much as possible by the authorities in the identification and burial process – said Tareke Brhane, president of the 3 October Committee – . We would not like these people to remain numbers and nameless victims even in this case. This umpteenth shipwreck brings us back to the shipwrecks of 3 and 11 October 2013. Shipwrecks that shook the consciences of our continent, exposing the consequences of the absence of a real migration policy. Unfortunately, ten years later people continue to die in the Mediterranean because, once again, they prefer to protect borders and not people”.

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