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Behind bars accused of sexually assaulting two adolescents in Puerto Concordia – news

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Behind bars accused of sexually assaulting two adolescents in Puerto Concordia – news

Authorities carried out an operation in the village of Unibrisas in Mapiripán, where the finance commission of substructure 39 of the Farc dissidents was dismantled, with the capture of who would be its main leader, the subject known by the alias ‘Peru’ or ‘Steyler’.

The operation also recorded the capture by court order and in flagrante delicto of three subjects, among them the presumed main leader of the armed commission of structure 39, alias ‘Charly’; also the recovery of a minor, who was placed at the disposal of the competent entities for the restoration of his rights.

Those captured were left at the disposal of the 113th Prosecutor’s Office, in order to advance their prosecution process who are accused of the crimes of conspiracy to commit an aggravated crime for the purpose of extortion, homicide and kidnapping.

During the operation, it was possible to seize seven pistols, more than 150 ammunition for pistols and 29 for long arms. Likewise, explosive material was found, including almost a hundred inelectric detonators, eight rolls of detonating cord, 26 shaped charges, a significant amount of a substance that apparently could be ANFO, pentolite, and a fragmentation grenade.

Additionally, at the scene of the events, quartermaster material, a large sum of cash, cell phones, four checkbooks that they were using as receipts alluding to substructure 39, a stamp referring to this same criminal organization, and documents of interest were seized. for state security agencies.

Criminal record of those captured

The two captured leaders (‘Perú’ or ‘Steyler’ and ‘Charly’) are accused of criminal actions in the southern area of ​​the department of Meta.

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Alias ​​’Perú’ or ‘Steyler’ would be the head of the finance commission and would have criminal interference affecting the safety and tranquility of the inhabitants of the municipalities of Mapiripán and Puerto Gaitán.

Alias ​​’Charly’, according to the authorities, belonged to substructure 10 where he was characterized by his belligerence against the Public Force.

Likewise, he has an arrest warrant from the 10 EDA de Arauca prosecutor’s office for the crimes of homicide and extortion, where he had managed to intimidate residents of the region and to evade the action of justice he moved to the department of Meta, where he would have arrived. as head of the commission and would have continued directing armed actions against the civilian population and the business union.

Source: Seventh Brigade, National Army

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