Home » Newly discovered chamber in the Pyramid of Cheops at Giza

Newly discovered chamber in the Pyramid of Cheops at Giza

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Newly discovered chamber in the Pyramid of Cheops at Giza

The Cheops Pyramid is considered the largest and oldest pyramid of Giza. As part of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, it has been well researched, but not all of the building’s secrets have been revealed. TUM researchers have now relieved the pyramid of a mystery. As part of the international “ScanPyramids” research team, the Munich team was able to identify an empty chamber, the existence of which was previously only suspected on the basis of measurement data. The cavity is located above the pyramid’s original entrance, which is not open to the public.

Since 2016, several measurements by Japanese and French researchers had provided evidence for the existence of the chamber. The TUM research group has also been on board since 2019 and is helping to examine the pyramid for hidden structures. For this purpose, methods of non-destructive testing are used, which enable a look into the stone blocks and the areas behind them. “The pyramids are part of the World Cultural Heritage. That’s why we have to be particularly careful during the investigation so that no damage occurs. We are therefore working on the Cheops Pyramid with radar and ultrasonic measuring devices that can be used non-destructively and in some cases even without contact,” explains Prof. Christian Grosse from the Chair of Non-Destructive Testing.

The measuring devices gave a good first impression. To confirm this, the scientists worked with endoscopic cameras. The team found a gap between the stones of the chevron, a solid stone structure, through which they could insert a hollow rod into the chamber. This tube served the researchers as a guide for their camera lens. The endoscope then confirmed the existence of the room. “Discovering a cavity in a pyramid is something special. But the fact that this chamber is large enough to accommodate several people makes it even more important,” says Prof. Grosse.

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The chamber is larger than the researchers had previously assumed. The measurement data indicated a corridor at least five meters long, but according to initial estimates, the chamber is said to be significantly longer than this. There are no footprints or similar evidence of human activity inside the chamber. The research group therefore assumes that no one has seen this room for around 4,500 years.

Finding out the purpose of the discovered chamber and what is behind the back wall of the room will require further research. The find that has now been confirmed confirms the need for further investigation of Egyptian pyramids and in particular the new approach with a combination of different testing techniques and procedures.

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