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Reform pensions, sensational news. A turning point for many

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Reform pensions, sensational news.  A turning point for many

Pensions reform, Quota 41 for all

Reform pensions, Quota 41 for everyone!
“Quota 41 for all is a goal to be pursued immediately, considering that we have a legislature ahead of us”. He affirms it to Affaritaliani.it the Undersecretary for Labor and Welfare Claudio Durigona leading exponent of the League, speaking of the pension reform.

What is Quota 41

Retirement would be permitted upon reaching 41 years of payments regardless of age. In 2021 INPS estimated the costs of an all-out extension of Quota 41: more than 4 billion in the first year of “activation” to then exceed the threshold of 9 billion in the last year of a ten-year process. Also for this reason the government has always remained cold in the face of this hypothesis. Just like the president of INPS, Pasquale Tridico, which has repeatedly advocated another proposal with the aim of allowing retirement at 63-64 years of age with only the contributory portion of the allowance, taking advantage of any salary portion starting from the sixty-seventh year of age. In this case, the cost for the first year would stop at just over 400 million. But the League suggests that the additional expenditure for Quota 41 would be lower than that estimated by INPS and continues to push for this measure.

What is Quota 103 (the “bridge” measure for 2023)

The Budget law for 2023 defined the new version of the early retirement, Quota 103. This version of outgoing flexibility also has requisites in derogation from the conditions envisaged for ordinary pension treatments established by the Fornero law. The new facilitation establishes, by 31 December 2023, the achievement of more onerous social security conditions but a lower number of seniority compared to the previous versions of Odds 100 and Odds 102. Who can benefit from this option? What are the detailed requirements to be able to access the facilitated early retirement?

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There are few measures regarding flexibility in leaving work envisaged by the 2023 Budget Law (Law No. 197 of 29 December 2022): among these, the most important certainly concerns the so-called facilitated early retirement. 103 share.

“Heir” of the previous experimental pension plans Quota 100 and Quota 102, the early retirement option Quota 103, introduced by the 2023 Budget Law with the addition of art. 14.1 to Legislative Decree no. 4/2019, is part of the same trend as the previous flexible pension benefits (art. 14, DL n. 4/2019, modified by art. 1, paragraph 87, law n. 234/2021).

Also Quota 103, like Quota 100 and Quota 102, in fact, it consists of an early pension with requisites in derogation from the conditions envisaged for the ordinary benefits of the Fornero law (art. 24, Legislative Decree no. 201/2011: 67 years of age and 20 years of contributions for the old-age pension, 42 years and 10 months of contributions, one year less for women, for early retirement).

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