Home » When art is female. The week of March 8 on TV

When art is female. The week of March 8 on TV

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When art is female.  The week of March 8 on TV

As Women’s Day approaches, even the schedules dedicated to art turn pink: from Coco Chanel to Niki de Saint-Phalle, from Giosetta Fioroni to Maria Lai, female artists and creatives take center stage. Alongside the ladies of art we will find the great masters of all time. Titian, Tintoretto, Munch, Anish Kapoor talk about each other on the screen, while the imminent arrival of spring already makes one think of trips and trips out of town: those looking for a reason to leave will do well to keep an eye on the dedicated television appointments to the wonders of the Italian peninsula, an inexhaustible reservoir of surprises.

“Italy. Journey into beauty – Volterra”. This week on Rai Storia

From Sardinia to Trieste, the secret jewels of the Belpaese
An unusual itinerary among the hidden treasures of the Belpaese: thus begins the art week on Rai channels, traveling between mysterious Sardinia, Etruscan Tuscany and Trieste, suspended between Central Europe and the Mediterranean. The first stop will be the ghost town of Gairo, in the heart of Ogliastra, to be discovered on Rai 5 on Monday 6 March at 8.15 pm in the last episode of the series Ghost Town, which will then proceed to the villages and abandoned mines of Arbus, a stone’s throw from the sea. In the same evening on Rai Storia the series History of our cities will reach nearby Oristano, to tell the story of western Sardinia from the enigmatic Giants of Mont’e Prama to the Phoenicians, up to today (21.10).

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At 10.10 pm, again on Rai Storia, we land on the mainland with a new episode of Italy. Journey into beauty. In Volterra, which has just concluded its year as the Italian Capital of Culture, we will discover precious testimonies of the Etruscans and Romans, marvels of the Renaissance and all contemporary innovations. The surprises continue on Tuesday 7 with Under Italywhich reveals the secrets of the subsoil of Trieste between the fifteenth-century castle of San Giusto, the Roman aqueducts and the anti-aircraft tunnels of “Little Berlin” (on Rai 5 at 20.20).

Niki de Saint-Phalle, the Tarot Garden, Capalbio. From “Niki de Saint-Phalle. The vision of an architect”, this week on Rai 5

Women in art, from Chanel to Isadora Duncan, from Niki de Saint-Phalle to Maria Lai
Con Niki de Saint-Phalle. The vision of an architect (Tuesday 7 March, 19.25) we return to the Tyrrhenian side to discover an authentic jewel of the twentieth century. Suspended between dream and reality in the hilly landscape of the Maremma, the colorful Tarot Garden of Capalbio is an opportunity to tell the work of the French-American artist Niki de Saint-Phalle, a visionary sculptor who brings an exquisitely feminine, restless and tenacious approach to art. “This garden was made with difficulty, with love, with mad enthusiasm, with obsession and, above all else, with faith. As in all fairy tales, along the way in search of the treasure I came across dragons, witches, wizards, but nothing and no one could have stopped me”, explains the artist, in a first-person account that makes use of unpublished archive.

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On the occasion of Women’s Day, two other great interpreters of female creativity will enliven the week on Rai 5: Wednesday 8 March the documentary Giosetta Fioroni – Sentimental pop will reconstruct the events of the only woman of the School of Piazza del Popolo, the group of artists who represented the Italian alternative to Pop Art, while Friday 10 On the trail of Maria Laicreated on the centenary of the Sardinian artist’s birth, will return a vivid portrait of her through unique works and the testimonies of those who knew her closely.

Giosetta Fioroni, Viennese Liberty, 1966

Also on Sky Arte, 8 March will be an opportunity to remember some great artists of the last century: they range from the dancer Isadora Duncan, at the center of an unpublished episode of the series I and she (Tuesday 7 March, 9.15 pm), the singers Maria Callas and Janis Joplin (Wednesday 8 March, starting at 4 pm) up to the stylists Elsa Schiaparelli (Wednesday at 2.30 pm) and Coco Chanel, protagonist of the documentary And Chanel created the sheath dress – Story of a legendary dress broadcast on 8 March at 1.30pm.

In the sign of green: the colors of art are told on Rai 5
The history of art told from a different perspective, that of the colors and pigments that have made it possible to create the most memorable works of man: from cave paintings to wonderful Egyptian artifacts, from Giotto’s frescoes to paintings by Raphael, Monet , from Van Gogh, up to contemporary art. this is the guiding idea of ​​the series The colors of artbroadcast on Wednesdays at 21.15 on Rai 5 for Art Night. After red, blue and yellow, this week the chosen color is green, the color of nature and of hope. The story will be illustrated by characters, masterpieces and famous places, but also little-known curiosities and details, experiments and adventures to be discovered.

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“Titian. The empire of colour”, this week on Sky Arte HD I Courtesy Nexo Digital

From Titian to Munch, a week with the masters of painting

The best painting of all time will enliven the Sky Arte weekend. Thursday 9 March the documentary films Titian. The empire of color e Tintoretto. A rebel in Venice will tell the unforgettable season of the Renaissance in the Serenissima, while on Saturday and Sunday starting at 11.30 the Great Masters series will give us the portrait of eight famous champions of the brush: Giotto, Guercino, Guido Reni, Parmigianino, Antonello da Messina, Paolo Uccello, Pinturicchio and Titian. The anxieties of the Modern will find space in the film Munch. Love, ghosts and vampire womenrevealing the author of theI scream from an unusual point of view (Saturday 11 at 17.45), while Anish Kapoor. Venetian red (Sunday 12 at 15.30) will outline the figure of one of the most influential artists of our era starting from the great retrospective that saw him as a protagonist in the Lagoon in 2022.

Munch. Ghost loves and vampire women – Edvard Munch, Madonna | © Munch, Oslo

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