Home » ‘Dear Mona:’ The Story of a Fat Girl and a Fat Boy

‘Dear Mona:’ The Story of a Fat Girl and a Fat Boy

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‘Dear Mona:’ The Story of a Fat Girl and a Fat Boy

Today’s man is not living for himself but for others. The axis of his own life revolves and revolves so much around the good of others that he becomes a living corpse prematurely, hollow and lonely inside.

The play has also put this symbolic corpse to sleep to highlight its importance.

The story revolves around Mona. Mona is a fat but sensible, conscious and sensitive girl who is capable of making her own decisions. She also has the courage to endure the difficulties that come her way, while her sister Samia is the opposite of her. She has been sacrificing all her passions and desires as a daughter and as a wife for the sake of her mother, then for her husband. She is an ideal girl, but in trying to be good for everyone, she becomes so self-defeating that she dies of depression.

Her father and sister Mona were aware of the sacrifices Samia had to make to become a slim-smart ideal wife and daughter. Her physical and mental health gets affected until it reaches the point that she loses her life.

Her father regrets that if only her husband and mother would have let her go to a doctor, she would have recovered from this mental illness, but both of them thought that it was just a delusion that she had become mentally ill because of her She has every ideal thing in the world, she is beautiful, she is smart even after becoming a mother, she has wealth, she has a good husband, she has a good house, she has good parents, she has a good lifestyle, so how can such a person get any disease. How can depression happen?

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Here the point is highlighted that ideal life is available to man but life is negated from it.

The peace and joy of life lies in being normal. Even though Mona is fat, but she does not suppress her true emotions, she cries when there is an opportunity to cry, she can also laugh openly, she also lives the small moments of life. You can also speak your heart. Anger can also. One can even drive a scooter without thinking about what people will say.

Mona is the power decision that a strong and mentally healthy person has, he has an idea of ​​his obesity.

She knows what the world, but also her mother, says and thinks about her, but she does not give up on living life.

She comes from Karachi to Lahore and starts looking for a job.

She starts living with a small house. A classmate of hers, Irfan, is also a bit fat, and she becomes friends with him. She is running away from her own reality even though she likes him but Irrfan gives her to propose. Meanwhile, Mana’s sister dies and 9 goes to Karachi.

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In desperation, Irfan marries hastily, impulsively and impulsively.

Mona’s brother-in-law tries to get her married to one of their business partners who is the father of a baby girl. Mona’s mother also thinks that this is a better relationship but as usual no one understands what Mona’s heart says.

A girl, like a man, at the time of her first marriage feels that the first man is good, but she cannot speak.

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In this Karachi to Lahore trip, Mona’s sister loses her life, so Mona’s father gets serious about her class Irfan.

Here Mona once again loses the depression that Samia died from, Mona has the strength to bear this depression. She is deeply traumatized but not pathetic. Trying to move forward.

The dialogues are very simple and very good, the philosophies of life seem to be rather long due to highlighting the topic but do not seem burdensome.

Says Samia

“Mummy, I don’t know what I have to endure to be your perfect daughter.”

At one place, Mona says, “My heart is heavy, so you have married a girl with a fragile heart.”

As if he felt his lack even from his friend who never made him feel body shaming.

There is another beautiful sentence

“You have never seen her through your mother’s eyes, you would have seen her. To you, she was just a toy that you were only happy to see the world and see that no one else has anything like this. She had no energy at all and we used to be happy to see how smart she was, but we never thought about her happiness. Everyone beat her.”

The characters seem to be a perfect match in their place. Dressing and jewelery along with Sanam Jung’s acting have also given XL Size a graceful and sophisticated idea.

Author Haseeb Ahmed has written an excellent dialogue and scene in every respect. Ali Hassan is the director. The drama has not made the present an issue, but the story has moved forward by holding the finger of life, assuming that what happened has passed.

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In Mona’s brother-in-law’s life, a slim, ideal girl like his first wife re-enters. Now let’s see if she teaches him how to live or dies like Mona’s sister under the chip mountain.

The photography of Karachi and Lahore is very beautiful. Before the scene of Karachi comes, the aerial image of here is shown before the sea and Lahore.

Fat Mona is actually a successful step towards normalizing the fat brain.

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