With the new moderator Louis Klamroth, the show ā€œHart aber fairā€ continues to lose viewers. Now a new low has been reached: the last edition of the ARD talk show was watched by less than two million viewers. Younger people in particular tune in to Klamroth less often.


“Hard but fair”: New low point for Klamroth

Since January, the longtime presenter Frank Plasberg has no longer been leading through “Hart aber fair”, but Louis Klamroth. So far, the usual good ratings and market shares of the ARD talk show could not be achieved by the new moderator. In the latest issue on March 6th, where refugees were the topic, very few viewers tuned in (Those: Quotenmeter.de).

The ratings for the last show are a new low: Only 1.85 million viewers were interested in “Hart aber fair”. The market share is given as a below-average 7 percent. Interest in the program was particularly low among people aged 14 to 49: only 0.3 million viewers in this age group tuned in to Klamroth. The market share here was just 5 percent. The program has never had a worse result under the moderator.

Jens Spahn from the CDU, who advocated a upper limit for the admission of refugees. Other guests were Britta HaƟelmann from the Greens, ARD presenter Isabel Schayani, Tareq Alaows from the organization Pro Asyl and Tanja Schweiger from the Free Voters.

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Klamroth: Criticism from the WDR Broadcasting Council

Klamroth saw himself criticized right from the start of his fashion campaign activity for “Hart aber fair”. The WDR broadcasting council complained that he Relationship with climate protection activist Luisa Neubauer had not made transparent before signing the contract. According to Klamroth, Neubauer will no longer be a guest on the show.

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