Home » Can that be healthy? This is what happens in the body when you eat pasta every day

Can that be healthy? This is what happens in the body when you eat pasta every day

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Can that be healthy?  This is what happens in the body when you eat pasta every day

Whether spaghetti, penne or farfalle – people in Germany love pasta. FOCUS online summarizes what can happen in the body if you eat pasta every day.

In recent years, pasta consumption in Germany has averaged 9.5 kilograms per person. This makes pasta one of the most popular foods in this country.

At the top of the list of the most popular types of pasta is spaghetti, which most Germans often end up with Bolognese sauce on their plates.

Pasta dishes are often prepared quickly and can be easily varied. This makes them ideal for every meal. It is not for nothing that a total of 811,000 tons of pasta have been consumed throughout Germany in recent years – and the trend is rising.

That’s why you should rely on pasta

Noodles are often removed from the diet because they are considered unhealthy. Here are five good reasons not to give up the Italian classic forever:

  1. Pasta is a real source of energy:
    Pasta contains carbohydrates that the body can process. This will replenish his energy tanks.
  2. Increased performance and focus:
    The energy gained then flows, for example, into performance and also promotes concentration.
  3. Muscle Building Help:
    Even if you don’t suspect it at first: pasta helps build muscle. The carbohydrates contained are healthy for the body and support the muscles in growing
  4. Pasta puts you in a good mood:
    Noodles make you happy. This fact is due to the fact that noodles stimulate insulin production and, among other things, endorphins are released.
  5. Weight loss helper:
    Noodles are not fattening per se. It has long been known that a Mediterranean diet can make you slim – and pasta is an important part of the menu. In addition, a portion of pasta keeps you full for longer and prevents cravings.
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An unbalanced diet can be dangerous

As with many foods, don’t overdo it with pasta. If the meals often consist of pasta and the like, then it is time for balance and variety. Because if you only eat pasta – despite various toppings and sauces – you may experience deficiency symptoms in your body.

Humans get important nutrients from food. The nutrients in pasta should also not be overdosed. As a result, hair can become thinner and the face pale, for example. Headaches and fatigue can also occur. In addition, the cardiovascular system reacts sensitively to an excess of carbohydrates.

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