Home » 33rd edition of International Women’s (Rights) Day

33rd edition of International Women’s (Rights) Day

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33rd edition of International Women’s (Rights) Day

The 8 Mars 2023will be celebrated on 33rd edition of International Women’s (Rights) Day. The theme chosen by UN Women East : ” For an inclusive digital world: innovation and technologies for gender equality“. Concretely what is it?

Why this theme for Women’s Day?

This theme is current and young. The digitalisation des industries is today is a major strategic issue. Despite the evolution of the proportion of working women for this major transformation since its advent in 2012, it remains very low. Indeed, the digital industry in 2022count about 30% of female employees of which approximately 15% coders according Eve Programme. Another sector where women are under-represented.

Comment giving back computing to women (Source: Youtube)

International Women’s Day this year therefore takes on the appearance of a digital Women’s Daywhich is held on April 18 of each year since 2012. The goal is toinform, raise awareness and interest women on all sides of the importance of becoming more involved in digital professions. But also to break down the barriers and preconceived ideas that would hinder the development of women in this environment, which today is very masculine.

International Women’s (Rights) Day: My opinion

This focus on the reproduction of hostile sexist behaviors of the “real world” in parallel universes is there to remind us that technological innovation is not in itself a source of social and cultural progress, nor even of behavioral transformations. Without the will of the players in the digital economy to act with precision and determination against gender inequalities, digital technology risks only reproducing them, if not accentuating them.

Marie DONZEL- EVE Webmagazine

I admit that after reading this theme, I was quite perplexed. Of course I understand the need toinvolve more women in digitalthey certainly have many innovative ideas such as … But, I can’t help but think that in view of all that is happening in the world in terms of womens rights, this year’s celebration should have a more political connotation. Especially for those many girls and women who no longer have right to education in Afghanistan because of the rise to power of an oppressive and deeply misogynistic regime.

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However according to Plan International organization, 132 million girls are out of school in the world, 63% of illiterate adults are women to speak only of education. How to get girls and women to take an interest in this issue, in addition to all the others that already exist (without a solution)? Especially those like me who live in certain countries in Africa or the Middle East and see their most basic rights violated every day..

For what it’s worth and in tribute to all those women who made us who we are. These women who have never given up. These women who have contributed and those who continue to make this world fairer: Happy Women’s Day!

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