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Total proteins: what they indicate, values ​​and analysis

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Total proteins: what they indicate, values ​​and analysis

Proteins play a structural role in most human organs and regulate metabolic processes with the constitution of enzymes and hormones. High or low total protein can indicate different pathologies.

The protein concentration in the blood it is measured in grams per deciliter (g/dL). The normal values ​​​​of a healthy person without particular pathologies should be included in a range that goes dai 6.4 to 8.3 g/dL.

Why is the total protein dosage recommended?

Usually, the total protein dosage is recommended in order to assess overall health status of the subject in question.

To verify it nutritional statusthe protein concentration in the blood in case there are symptoms that may be associated with kidney or liver disease or bone marrow disease.

In case there was a excess fluid in the tissues which causes swelling (edema), in case there is a state of fatigue, in case there is a loss of weight.

What is Proteinemia?

L’protein analysis It is used to measure the concentration of proteins present in the blood. They are blood tests that measure total protein, the quantity of the most important constituents of the cells of the human body in the blood.

The protein concentration in the blood it is usually quite stable considering that it reflects the balance between the loss of old molecules and the production of new ones.

When faced with altered protein levels, it is important to evaluate whether the alteration affects all the protein fractions or only some of them.

We recall that i total protein levels they can be affected by various drugs, from estrogens, steroids and oral contraceptives. It is therefore important to inform your doctor about taking medicines, supplements or narcotic substances especially before carrying out the examination.


The blood proteins

Blood proteins or plasma proteins are those that they are found in the liquid part of the bloodthe plasma.

They are divided into two large groups: Albumin and globulins which together represent about 95% of the circulating plasma proteins which, together, make up about 7% of the blood.

The proteins that belong to this group are synthesized by the liver and represent the 60% of total plasma protein.

They have the function of transporting substances, such as vitamins and hormones, in the body, of supplying amino acids for tissue metabolism, of preventing the leakage of liquids from blood vessels.

The proteins that belong to this group are produced not only by the liver but also by the immune system and represent the 40% of total plasma protein. They have the function of transporting nutrients and have the function of protecting the body from infections.

Proteinemia, in addition to the reasons indicated above, also evaluates the ratio between the concentration of albumin and that of globulins (A/G ratio).

Changes in the value of this ratio help identify reasons for changes in protein levels.

Low total protein

Total blood proteins, when they are lower than the minimum normal reference values, indicate that we may be in the presence of certain proteins conditions or diseases which:

  • liver disease
  • possible impairment of albumin and globulin production
  • celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease
  • malnutrition
  • heart failure
  • kidney diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, which accelerate metabolic processes and protein loss

High total protein

If plasma protein levels were higher than normal we could be faced with pathologies such as multiple myeloma or it can happen in case of dehydration or in the case of autoimmune diseases. A high concentration of protein in the blood can also be observed in the chronic inflammatory diseases and in infections, such as viral hepatitis or HIV.

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In conclusion, we can summarize that proteins have a fundamental and essential role in supporting vital bodily functions, such as blood clotting, digestion, energy production. For this reason, a total protein test is important and can certainly help diagnose medical conditions, such as kidney and liver disease.

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