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prevention and effective remedies Lots of Health

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prevention and effective remedies Lots of Health

Cholesterol is an essential fat present in our bodies, but having levels that are too high can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. However, low cholesterol can also be a problem.

So what is the right balance? In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about cholesterol levels, including high cholesterol symptoms, causes, risk factors and natural remedies. Go ahead to find out how to keep your health at its best.

What is cholesterol

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Cholesterol is an indispensable raw material for the human body: it is used, for example, to form some hormones and is an essential constituent element of the cell membrane. However, tToo much cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The body produces most of the cholesterol it needs in the liver. Only a small portion is ingested with food. This is transported through the blood to the cells of all organs and tissues, where it is further processed. The excess cholesterol then returns to the liver via the blood.

This substance is packaged in tiny packets in the liver along with proteins, fats (lipids), and other components. These packets are carried by blood. They are called “lipoproteins” and are divided into:

LDL cholesterol: “LDL” stands for low-density lipoprotein. This type of package carries cholesterol from the liver to the body. A high LDL value is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which is why LDL stands for “bad” cholesterol.

HDL cholesterol: “HDL” stands for high-density lipoprotein – this type of packet carries cholesterol from your tissues to your liver. According to current knowledge, a high HDL value is probably associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. HDL cholesterol is therefore also referred to as “good” cholesterol.

Cholesterol values: here’s when to worry

The optimal values ​​of cholesterol in the blood (LDL) correspond to 100 mg/dl or less in the case of patients at risk (eg with heart disease or diabetes), 130 mg/dl in patients with a risk factor of at least 1 and 160 mg/dl for individuals with no cardiovascular risk.

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The ratio of LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol is the so-called cardiovascular risk indexwhich corresponds to 5 for men and 4.5 for women.

A high LDL cholesterol value is a recognized risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol levels from blood tests can help assess personal risk.

Atherosclerosis is the medical term for the hardening, thickening, and narrowing of the arteries. It develops over a very long period of time. Too much cholesterol in the blood can contribute to this serious condition.

In people with high LDL cholesterol values, there are inflammatory cells (scavenger cells) that absorb more cholesterol particles. This promotes the accumulation of cholesterol in the vascular wall.

Inflammation can also cause the vessel wall to weaken and tear. If the blood then suddenly comes into contact with the cholesterol-rich deposit, a clot can form and this can lead to a heart attack.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

High cholesterol levels, usually they do not cause any symptoms. However, as the years go by they can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris, infarcts from strokes.

Hereditary very high cholesterol levels, sometimes they can lead to visible deposits under the skin. Typical are yellowish bumps on the Achilles tendon or above the eyelids. Swelling of the tendons in the hand can also indicate cholesterol deposits. In the eye they can be seen through a bright ring at the edge of the iris.

Causes of high cholesterol

The main cause of high cholesterol is adiet incorrect, based on the intake of very caloric foods rich in saturated fatty acids.

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It is important that an adult does not consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day.

All the grassi of animal origin, such as cream and butter, contain a high amount of cholesterol: in 100 grams of butter there are 250 mg of cholesterol, in the same amount of prawns there are 150 mg of this substance, while in 100 grams of whole yoghurt 11 mg are contained.

Others risk factors that could affect hypercholesterolemia concern the genetic componenta lack of physical activity and the presence of other medical conditions, such as kidney or liver disease, diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Diagnosing high cholesterol is as simple as doing a blood test.

It is important to periodically check cholesterol levels from the age of 20: a blood test should be repeated at least every 5 years. This frequency should be higher if there is a familial predisposition to hypercholesterolaemia. There are also quick tests that can be found in pharmacies.

How to lower high cholesterol

Patients with high levels of LDL cholesterol should first try to change their lifestyle with more exercise, a more mindful and healthier diet, and quitting smoking.
It is important to avoid the types of cooking that involve the use of frying or fatty condiments, preferring cooking methods in the oven or steamed.

Room should be left for fiber-rich foods, which favor the elimination of excess cholesterol. Controlling the diet, assuming less than 200 mg of cholesterol per day, can help reduce the levels of this substance in the blood by 8%.

However, this is often not enough if you have high cholesterol levels. That’s when drugs to lower LDL levels, such as statins, come into play.

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There are some natural remedies useful against high cholesterol, capable of dissolving fat molecules and making the blood more fluid. It is, for example, the fermented red ricea remedy traditionally used in Chinese medicine, e some garliccapable of improving the balance between “good” and “bad” cholesterol and reducing triglycerides.

The herbal medicine also recommend the garcinia: the peel of the fruit manages to block the synthesis of acetyl-coenzyme A, used by our body to synthesize cholesterol and other lipids.

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