Home » Only 3.7GB in size!Experts transform the Win10 system and make a complete “pseudo-WinXP” trial version | T Kebang

Only 3.7GB in size!Experts transform the Win10 system and make a complete “pseudo-WinXP” trial version | T Kebang

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Only 3.7GB in size!Experts transform the Win10 system and make a complete “pseudo-WinXP” trial version | T Kebang

Although the WinXP system has long since ceased support, it still has many supporters around the world.Creator travis#2800 recently launched Windows EXPERIENCE Freestyle Update update,The size is 3.7GB.this is actuallyBased on the “pseudo-XP” transformed from the Win10 system, you can re-experience the Windows XP system.

The Windows EXPERIENCE Freestyle Update system is not an early verification version, but a fully functional version based on the Win10 system. After long-term testing and optimization, the Windows XP experience is quite complete.

Although this version has been adjusted many times, there are still some problems, such as the Basic (Non-DWM) window frame of the program may have problems after installing the system in a non-en-US language, using a non-en-US language, Dialogs, strings and menus still appear in English, DPI above 100% will crash, the mod is not compatible with any kind of DPI scaling, Explorer’s toolbar may look ugly when opened maximized by default Mess… wait.

Basically, since this is a specific version of Windows 10 based on English speakers, for users of other languages, it may just be a look.

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