Home » First lady, Sorenelly de Luna entertains the doctors on their day

First lady, Sorenelly de Luna entertains the doctors on their day

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First lady, Sorenelly de Luna entertains the doctors on their day

67 doctors participated in the pleasant meeting, among them directors of the entity’s hospitals and heads of the public health system.

On the occasion of celebrating the Day of Doctor In Venezuela, this Friday, March 10, the regional government offered a special breakfast to entertain the doctors.

On behalf of the regional president, the first lady of Monagas state, Sorenelly Zambrano de Luna, accompanied by the Single Health Authority, Yerika Alzolay, and the director of the Dr. Manuel Núñez Tovar Central Hospital, Juan Carlos Gómez, shared a pleasant breakfast with the 67 doctors responsible for the entity’s Public Health Network.

Zambrano de Luna expressed his congratulations to all the doctors for such commendable work in saving lives and providing care to all citizens.

“Today we value and recognize the work that all doctors do every day. They are our heroes in white coats. On behalf of Governor Ernesto Luna and the entire regional Executive, receive our sincere congratulations for your dedication, delivery and commitment.”

I invite you to continue working for the health and well-being of Monaguenses and to maintain in them that spirit of light to save lives.

For her part, the Monagas State Single Health Authority, Yerika Alzolay, stressed that it is a team effort of all medical professionals, and that they will continue to join efforts to improve care for the people.

He informed that doctors from all over the Monagas state participated in this meeting, from health entities such as the Barrio Adentro Mission, health committees, Comprehensive Community Health Areas (ASIC), Regional Health Directorate, Cuban Medical Mission, Comprehensive Diagnostic Centers (CDI ), Ministry of Social Development of Misiones and Great Missions, among others.

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first lady sorenelly de luna entertains the doctors on their day laverdaddemonagas.com medicos1
With the participation of 67 doctors from the entire Monagas state and heads of the Public Health Network, the regional government offers a pleasant sharing to the doctors.

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