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Inter “cola al Picco”, Spezia wins

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Inter “cola al Picco”, Spezia wins

Spezia beats Inter 2-1 in advance of the twenty-sixth and places an important blow in terms of salvation. Under the eyes of American patron Robert Platek, who arrived from New York, goals from substitute Maldini arrived in the second half, and penalties from Lukaku and Nzola in the final. Inter collects a new burning disappointment away and their eighth loss of the season. In the first half alone, he wasted at least three capital opportunities, including a penalty from Lautaro that was rejected by Dragowski. The Polish goalkeeper will be essential to send the game to half time at 0-0.

The first half

The teams enter the field mirror with the 3-5-2. Inzaghi rests Dumfries and Calhanoglu, Semplici lines up Shomurodov and Nzola together for the first time from the first minute. The Nerazzurri took the game in hand immediately thanks to pressing, churning out several chances especially from the right. The greatest in the tenth minute, when the Var recalls Marinelli for a tackle in the Caldara area on D’Ambrosio initially judged not to be a foul, which becomes a penalty after the on-field review. Lautaro goes with his right but Dragowski senses the shot on the left and rejects for a corner. The Pole defuses two more shots from the Argentine, while Lukaku (20′) and Mkhitaryan (29′) miss from a good position. Spezia goes close to scoring with an impromptu action by Agudelo (32′), who hit the crossbar after a slalom in the area.

The second half

Semplici redesigns Spezia with the 4-2-3-1 on the return to the field, sending Ekdal and Maldini onto the field for Zurkowski and Shomurodov and the game changes. Now the hosts cover the field better and immediately reap the rewards when Dragowski can launch long on Nzola, who sends Bastoni empty, controls his return and serves Maldini a ball which the AC Milan player puts in the corner (55′) with a precise right. Inzaghi waits ten minutes to test his reaction, then brings in heavy artillery: Dzeko, Dimarco, Dumfries and Calhanoglu all in the same slot for a very offensive 3-4-1-2. The Turk proves to be the most inspired, touching the post with a right foot from 20 meters (70′) and then hitting a corner on Lautaro’s head (76′), whose deflection goes wide.

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Spezia defends and Inter attacks, however finding a careful defence. In the 84th minute the efforts pay off when yet another cross from the left causes a penalty on Dumfries, touched by Ferrer. Lukaku displaces Dragowski and makes it 1-1. One hundred seconds later, however, very similar action in the other area: cross by Amian and Dumfries himself knocks down Kovalenko who had blocked in the chest. Nzola made no mistake and it’s 2-1. Simple puts another defender to repel the latest assaults. It ends like this. Now Inter will have to reset quickly for the Champions League.

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