Home » Public university, one of Petro’s promises on a visit to Soacha

Public university, one of Petro’s promises on a visit to Soacha

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Public university, one of Petro’s promises on a visit to Soacha

Building the public university, creating the municipal chamber of commerce and the aerial cable for the most vulnerable communities were three of the commitments that President Gustavo Petro acquired with the community of Soacha, at the end of the second day of ‘Gobierno Escucha’, which he led this Saturday in this town of Cundinamarca.

public university

After listening to the spokespersons for the community, the Head of State promised to make the dream of building a public university that primarily benefits the youth of Soacha come true.

The President invited the study programs to give relevance to the programming of computer systems, to carry out software that creates technology and expands the benefits of the popular economy and the home, strengthening connectivity where there is none.

​Resources for schools and universal PAE

At another point, President Petro asked the new Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, to contribute the 80 billion pesos of the Nation that are required to build three large schools.

In addition, he requested that in these schools the study programs include subjects such as music, arts, history, sports and physical activity and computer programming.

Chamber of Commerce

“The Soacha Chamber of Commerce is a reality,” said the President when committing to this project that will benefit the popular economy, particularly shopkeepers and small businessmen.

“Why that Chamber of Commerce? So that companies can be opened, so that popular enterprises can be legalized, so that with the funds it manages, because they manage funds that are public, but that are delegated to those chambers, the Soacha chamber can promote the creation of jobs , through the popular economy”, stressed the President.

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Mobility and aerial cable

The Head of State referred to the project to depress the South Highway, from the beginning in Soacha to the entrance to Bogotá, with a view to addressing the problem of high traffic that fragments the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality.

Likewise, it committed to the municipality’s aerial cable project, which would finish its design this year. “The tender would be made at the end of the year to begin construction. Hopefully I can inaugurate it”, the President specified, adding that this infrastructure should benefit the communities that reside in the most marginalized areas.

Likewise, he proposed the start-up of a tramway to connect with the Bogota Metro System that began to be built.


President Petro stated that a game of 20 billion pesos will be allocated to start the construction of a high-tech hospital.

The hospital project has a budget assigned by the municipality and the Cundinamarca Governor’s Office, and land allocated for the construction of the care center.

The President also pointed out that Soacha can begin to prepare so that, with the approval of the new health law, the Primary Care Centers (CAP) will be set up, which will be the places to organize primary and preventive care, which will be to focus on the neighborhoods.

In this way, he added, “the hospital becomes important.”


The Head of State proposed opening a national contest or call to erect a monument in Soacha “of high artistic quality”, in memory of the 6,402 young victims of extrajudicial executions, detected by the JEP.

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This monument, added the President, “should remind all of Colombia that this cannot be repeated again” and, in this way, “close that chapter of history.”

In the same way, President Petro accepted the community’s proposal to create an archaeological park in Soacha as a mechanism to rescue the ancestral culture of that territory.

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