Home » Gather the hearts of the people and take the helm to lead the revival—Xi Jinping was unanimously elected as the chairman of the Central Military Commission, which greatly encouraged and inspired the whole party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to forge ahead on a new journey_Guangming.com

Gather the hearts of the people and take the helm to lead the revival—Xi Jinping was unanimously elected as the chairman of the Central Military Commission, which greatly encouraged and inspired the whole party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to forge ahead on a new journey_Guangming.com

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 11thTopic: Gather the hearts of the people and steer the course toward rejuvenation——Xi Jinping was unanimously elected as the chairman of the Central Military Commission, which greatly encouraged and inspired the whole party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to forge ahead on a new journey

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The sun is warm in China, and the mountains and rivers are magnificent; the journey is thousands of miles, and the original intention is the same.

On the morning of March 10, 2023, at the third plenary session of the First Session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress, Comrade Xi Jinping was unanimously elected as the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China.

From the city to the countryside, from the coast to the frontier, the cadres and the masses agreed that this is what the party, the people and the people hope for. Everyone said that the more ambitious the journey and the more ambitious the goal, the more it needs the core steering and orientation and the guidance of the truth to lead the way. We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, work tenaciously and unitedly, and stride forward along the broad road of Chinese-style modernization.

 Sincerely support a strong core

In the Great Hall of the People, the waves of applause represented the aspirations of more than 1.4 billion people and marked a historic moment.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping is at the helm of the country. With him around, our hearts will be safe!” Witnessed at the scene that Comrade Xi Jinping was unanimously elected as the country’s president and the chairman of the Central Military Commission. Dong Jianxin, secretary of the general branch, said, “The great achievements of the new era are made by General Secretary Xi Jinping leading the people of the whole country to work hard, work hard, and struggle together! Now, our village has roads, water, and beautiful villages. Big guys They are all busy in business to get rich. Our country has such a leader who serves the people wholeheartedly, and the common people will have a bright future!”

“This is the great fortune of the country, the army, and the people!” Representative Luo Shengke, a carrier-based fighter pilot from the Navy, is full of enthusiasm. “Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of Chairman Xi, the People’s Army has effectively fulfilled the mission of the new era. The mission, the cause of strengthening the military has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. We must integrate the “two maintenances” into our blood and put them into action, loyally maintain the core, and strive to strengthen the army, so as to build the people’s army into a world-class army in an all-round way!”

The delegates unanimously stated that General Secretary Xi Jinping, with his outstanding leadership, lofty personality, extraordinary political wisdom, broad strategic vision, strong mission and deep feelings of the people, has led the whole party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in the country. It ushered in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The unanimous election of Comrade Xi Jinping as the President of the country and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission is the choice of history, the choice of the people, and the choice of the times.

The enthusiasm inside and outside the venue was invigorating, and the whole country rejoiced.

Next to Gala Village in Nyingchi, Tibet, hundreds of acres of peach blossoms are gradually blooming. In July 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to visit the villagers. Under the care of the general secretary, the rural revitalization road of Gala Village has become more and more solid. In 2022, the per capita annual income will exceed 35,000 yuan.

“Seeing that exciting moment on TV, many of us were so excited that we shed tears. We all trust and support the general secretary wholeheartedly.” Bianba, secretary of the party branch of Gala village, and all the old and young in the village watched the live broadcast. , “We firmly believe that under the care of the general secretary, the lives of people of all ethnic groups will be more prosperous and happy, and the future of the snow-covered plateau will become better and better.”

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The dreams of the country are stirring and blending, and the hearts of the party and the people resonate at the same frequency.

The International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the working committees of the central and state organs, and the central cadres and workers of the Communist Youth League believe that the past five years and the ten years of the new era have eloquently proved the reason why the party and the country can achieve historic achievements and undergo historic changes. The root lies in the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. General Secretary Xi Jinping is a well-deserved party core, people’s leader, and army commander who has passed the test of history, practice, and struggle.

Officials and workers from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Transport said that with General Secretary Xi Jinping leading the way, the party and the people will have the “backbone” to unite and struggle, and the “fixed star” to fear the storm. We must deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, further strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, achieve the “two maintenances”, and solidly promote Chinese-style modernization.

  Self-confidence and self-improvement closely follow the leader

Pressing the Constitution with his left hand and raising his fist with his right, in the Great Hall of the People, President Xi Jinping solemnly swore an oath under the witness of nearly 3,000 deputies to the National People’s Congress.

The sonorous oath demonstrates the original intention of sincerity, and inspires the confidence and pride of hundreds of millions of people to create new great achievements.

“In the past ten years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has taken the lead in setting an example and practicing it, leading the whole party to carry forward the red tradition, inherit the red gene, and continue the spiritual blood of the Communists.” Jin Dong, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and deputy director of the District Supervision Committee of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, said, As a cadre of discipline inspection and supervision in the Red Holy Land, he must keep up with the pace of the general secretary, draw forward strength from the revolutionary tradition, and make his own contribution to the new great project of party building in the new era.

The news that Comrade Xi Jinping was elected unanimously spread to Jiangjiaping Village, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province.

“We can’t forget that the general secretary came to the village to investigate. He asked very carefully from the tea harvest and price to the villagers’ land transfer and dividend distribution. The general secretary led us on the road to happiness, and the days to come will definitely be more and more prosperous!” Luo Xianping, a veteran party member of Jiangjiaping Village, is full of confidence.

Caring for the people warms people’s hearts, and scientific thinking leads the way.

“Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has combined the essence of Marxist thought with the essence of China’s excellent traditional culture and the common values ​​​​that the people use every day without realizing it, with great theoretical courage and profound cultural sentiments. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, and is loved, recognized, and supported by the people.” A librarian of the Fujian Provincial Research Institute of Culture and History who once gave an explanation to General Secretary Xi Jinping in Wuyishan Zhu Xi Garden Zhang Jianguang was deeply moved.

Looking at the new era, the Chinese people are writing a magnificent chapter of national rejuvenation with unprecedented historical initiative and historical creativity, self-confidence and self-improvement.

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The good news came that the officers and soldiers of a brigade of the Air Force Aviation Brigade of the Southern Theater Command who had just completed the maritime police patrol mission were enthusiastic and excited.

“Countless facts tell us that only with the courage to fight and be good at fighting, can we win dignity, take the initiative, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests.” Pilot Cao Dingping said, under the strong leadership of Chairman Xi In the future, we will grow our aspirations in catching up and surpassing, strengthen our backbone in tenacious struggle, and build up confidence in development and growth. On the new journey, as long as we closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, unite as one, and work hard, we will surely be able to overcome various difficulties and challenges on the way forward and win greater victories.

In Hefei, Anhui, teachers and students of the University of Science and Technology of China watched the live broadcast through the Internet. Applause and cheers echoed in the vibrant campus.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping puts scientific and technological innovation at the core of the country’s overall development. Under the personal promotion of the General Secretary, my country’s scientific and technological strength has leapt to a new level, and major innovations have emerged.” Executive Institute of the School of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology of China Minister Wu Hengan said that the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-reliance ultimately depends on high-level innovative talents. We must keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the party and the country, comprehensively promote the integration of science and education and production and education, comprehensively improve innovation capabilities, and cultivate more high-quality talents with both ability and political integrity for Chinese-style modernization.

The exciting news spread throughout the Tianshan Mountains. On the National Unity Cultural Square of the 12th Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, employees of all ethnic groups danced to cheerful music.

“Comrade Xi Jinping’s unanimous election is the common wish of the people of all ethnic groups. The general secretary cares deeply about the people in ethnic minority areas and remembers it, and repeatedly emphasizes that all ethnic groups should embrace each other like pomegranate seeds.” Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps No. Li Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Twelfth Division, said that as party members and cadres in ethnic areas, we must always keep in mind the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, take the awareness of the Chinese nation community as the main theme, continue to promote the exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups, and gather together to work together and develop Enterprising and powerful positive energy.

  Unite and forge ahead on a new journey

The great revival is irreversible; the mission is like a mountain, and the faith is like a rock.

The Central Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce stated that Comrade Xi Jinping was unanimously elected as the president of the country and the chairman of the Central Military Commission, condensing the common will and inspiring hundreds of millions of people. From the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the National People’s Congress, the grand blueprint is inspiring, and the horn of the times is inspiring. On the new journey, we will focus on in-depth investigation and research on major issues such as building a new development pattern and implementing the “two unshakable” principles, and actively offer advice and suggestions to make new contributions to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way.

The cadres and workers of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that Comrade Xi Jinping’s unanimous election as the President of the country and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission fully reflects the common aspirations of the entire party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country. In terms of action, maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, keep in mind the “big country”, actively take on responsibilities, and strive to promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with an unswerving mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle.

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The grand blueprint shows a bright future; the great journey calls for new progress.

“Comrade Xi Jinping’s unanimous election is the hope and strength of our national rejuvenation!” Li Shengquan, chairman of the State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. said, “General Secretary Xi Jinping drew a blueprint for high-quality development, and proposed to maintain and strengthen the construction of ecological civilization. Strategic determination. We must follow the direction guided by the general secretary to further promote the energy revolution, promote the transition from high-carbon to low-carbon, from fossil energy to clean energy, and guide green and low-carbon production and lifestyles.”

“Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the high-quality development of agriculture, and agricultural production has a ‘navigation mark’ and a ‘power source’.” Witnessing the historical moment, Henan wheat breeding expert Ru Zhengang is very pleased Excited. He said that agricultural science and technology workers must keep in mind the general secretary’s instructions, strengthen scientific and technological research, promote the revitalization of the seed industry, ensure the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products, and ensure that the Chinese people always firmly hold the rice bowl in their own hands.

In Changchun, Jilin Province, in the assembly workshop of China FAW’s Hongqi factory, machines roared, creating a busy scene. Seeing the news that Comrade Xi Jinping was elected unanimously, Zhou Shiying, vice president of the FAW Group R&D Institute and director of the Intelligent Network Development Institute, recalled the entrustment and encouragement given by the general secretary when he visited FAW more than two years ago. “We must strive to hold key core technologies in our own hands, hold up the ‘red flag’, the banner of China’s national auto brand, and be at the forefront of exploring high-quality development and creating a world-class enterprise.” Zhou Shiying said.

“This is the common expectation of the people of the whole country! The general secretary personally plans, deploys, and promotes the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. Over the past nine years, this national strategy has been continuously advanced, and a regional economic layout with complementary advantages and high-quality development is taking shape. Chairman Jiang Haoran of Hengyin Financial Technology Co., Ltd. was deeply impressed by the innovative cooperation among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Enterprises and colleges in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region will cooperate side by side to continuously strengthen technological innovation and make greater contributions to promoting high-quality economic development.”

The strategic move from a strategic location pushes the wheel of history forward towards a bright goal.

“Comrade Xi Jinping was unanimously elected as the president of the country and the chairman of the Central Military Commission, which conveyed to the world the strong voice of China’s firm expansion of opening up and the joint construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.” said Hu Chao, Secretary-General of the “Belt and Road” Research Institute of Guangxi University for Nationalities. The Secretary put forward the “Belt and Road” initiative focusing on the general development trend of China and the world. Over the past 10 years, the blueprint has gradually become a reality. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” will allow the world to share the development opportunities brought by Chinese-style modernization, and help more developing countries independently explore their own development opportunities. The road to modernization has increased confidence. The path of Chinese-style modernization has become wider and wider, and China’s development has benefited the world.

The majority of party members, cadres, and the masses firmly believe that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, they will be able to overcome all difficulties on the road of progress if they unite and forge ahead bravely and ride the wind and waves. Dangerous obstacles, push the giant ship of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to reach the glorious shore successfully!

责编:袁晴 ]

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