Home » This is how the candidates for the Municipality of Roca voted, in 12 photos

This is how the candidates for the Municipality of Roca voted, in 12 photos

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This is how the candidates for the Municipality of Roca voted, in 12 photos

A Sunday with a lot of electoral climate. The municipal votes in Roca opened the calendar of general elections and the day passes with total normality. This morning, at 11 in the morning, the last of the six candidates for mayors of the city voted. Look at the photographs gallery.

The residents of Roca today are about to vote for three positions: Mayor, eight seats in the Deliberative Council and three in the Court of Accounts. It is an atypical election given by the large number of collector lists that accompany one of the candidates.

Elena Beatriz Correa was the first of all the candidates to vote.

At 8:30 in the morning, Elena Beatriz Correa voted, representative who heads list 165 for the New MAS. The candidate was followed by Alberto Castro – at 9 o’clock – another of the applicants for the Left Unity Front on list 425.

Correa voted at 8:30 a.m., at Elementary School 275 in Roca. Photo John Thomas.

Both did so at Elementary School No. 275. Before voting, Correa said that she was calm and that she complied with what each of the residents of Roca had to do in casting their vote. She added that the democratic act is a right that “we have to defend tooth and nail, as well as defend our workplace. I call on all of you to go vote », she closed.

Alberto Castro was the second of the mayoral candidates to vote. Photo John Thomas.

After casting his vote, Castro spoke to the press and assured that they have prosecutors who “have informed us that Everything is developing normally, there were no setbacks.

At 9 in the morning, who went to the dark room, »Beto» Castro in the same school as .

Later, the candidate for Popular Unity (List 215), Mario Alvarez, voted at 9:30 in the heart of the city. He did it at School No. 32. After casting his vote, he remembered his first vote. He said that he did it accompanied by his daughter Florencia and that these circumstances allow him to lovingly relive that moment.

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Mario Álvarez went to vote at 9:30 a.m.

«We do it with that positive expectation, hoping to have a good performance, of course, like all those who participate.“Alvarez completed.

Alvarez voted in School 32

The mayoral candidate for Juntos Somos Río Negro, Carlos Banacloy, voted at School No. 371, after 10 in the morning. «They are 48 years of life in my city, all my life I developed my city. I had the opportunity to be a provincial official, to tour the province from end to end, but I had never had the opportunity to walk my city from end to end“said the former provincial minister.

Carlos Banacloy arriving at School 371 to vote, this morning in Roca. Photo John Thomas.

This afternoon, during election day, Banacloy confirmed that he will tour schools and from 6 pm they will meet at the headquarters of Juntos somos Rio Negro to wait for the results.

Banacloy voted at 10 in the morning.

The current mayor of Roca and candidate for re-election for “Passion for Roca” voted at School No. 86. He arrived with his children and his cabal in a light blue shirt.

María Emilia Soria arrived at the Romagnoli school accompanied by her children. Photo John Thomas.

“It is a long day for many, so I take the opportunity that they give me to convey this gratitude to you”, Soria stated.

The Soria mayor voted at 10:30 in the Romagnoli school.
The candidate Gastón Soto arrived to vote at 11 in the morning, accompanied by his daughter. Photo John Thomas.

The last of the candidates to cast their vote was Gaston Soto who came to the Romagnoli School, with his daughter who voted for the first time. She also said that he is very well, very calm and happy, “Wanting to continue inviting people to continue getting involved because it is something that is really worth it”.

Soto voted at table 243, the same table that her opponent, María Emilia Soria, voted for. Photo John Thomas.

He said that he is supervising School No. 275. And he said, like the rest of the candidates that the Election day is taking place “without inconvenience, thank God, everything is taking place in a climate of total normality.”

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