Home » The shortest flight in the world lasting 90 seconds | Info

The shortest flight in the world lasting 90 seconds | Info

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The shortest flight in the world lasting 90 seconds |  Info

Have you heard about the shortest flight in the world with the airline company Loganair, which lasts only 90 seconds?

Izvor: Youtube/Hop Onboard the Shortest Flight in the World/Screenshot

Loganair operates an Orkney Interisland service from Kirkwall to the Northern Isles in Scotland. This includes a special phenomenon, it is the shortest airline in the world between the island of Westray and Papa Westray, where the trip lasts a full 90 seconds.

Each island in the Orkney archipelago in the north of Scotland has its own uniqueness and all are perfect for bird watching, walking and relaxing on the beach next to the old lighthouses. All this is available to tourists thanks to Orkney Interisland, which allows tourists to ‘hop’ from island to island, writes TU Magazin.

However, flying is not exactly the most comfortable experience. There are only eight seats in the cabin, and the engine noise is relentless. There are no amenities on the plane itself, no food, drinks or toilets. However, there is something special about this flight that, if you didn’t know before, you would realize after almost two minutes of travel. In just 90 seconds, the plane will no longer be in the air, it will land on the runway. The price of such a flight is around 39 euros, return ticket.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, this is the shortest scheduled airline in the world, only 2.7 kilometers long. It’s so small that most commercial airplanes need that much just to get airborne. On a good day, with favorable wind and light load, the small Scottish plane needs only 53 seconds to reach cruising speed.

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The journey is made two to three times a day, connecting Westray, an island on the edge of Scotland’s northern Orkney archipelago, with the smaller, even more remote island of Papa Westray. Throughout the year, it is a lifesaver for the eighty people who live on the island. Summer also brings tourists, mostly day trippers, who want to experience flying.


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