Home » Motion of no confidence | Podemos pushes Yolanda Díaz to intervene in the motion of censure against Tamames

Motion of no confidence | Podemos pushes Yolanda Díaz to intervene in the motion of censure against Tamames

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Motion of no confidence |  Podemos pushes Yolanda Díaz to intervene in the motion of censure against Tamames

03/16/2023 at 08:43


The vice president coordinates with Moncloa while the purple ones demand their participation in the debate

We can try to set the pace Yolanda Diaz and launches the motion of censure against Ramón Tamames, the candidate presented by Vox. The party has sent the PSOE a proposal asking that only women intervene on behalf of the Government and expressly appealing to the participation of the second vice president, who until now has not ruled on her role in the debate, which will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday , March 21 and 22, in the Congress of Deputies.

This Wednesday the purple formally forwarded the petition to the PSOE that only female ministers spoke during the parliamentary session in protest of Vox’s speech, promoter of the motion of censure. The initiative was sent both to the majority partner of the Government and to the rest of the progressive parties of the investiture block, to which this request was also transferred. Some of them, such as ERC, have already ruled out attending to this request.

The particularity of this proposal is that started only from the Podemos party and was not previously agreed with the rest of the factions of the parliamentary group of United We Can, not even with Yolanda Díaz, one of the interested parties themselves and to whom the petition was directly appealed. The leader received the proposal at the same time as the PSOE and the rest of the forces.

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“Stop the feet to the extreme right”

In the letter, Podemos asked “that the ministers lead the debate against Vox’s motion of censure”, asking “the intervention of the vice president Yolanda Díaz and the ministers Belarra and Montero”, and inviting “the socialist ministers to also go up to the rostrum”. One of the reasons for this requirement was “stop the feet of the extreme right” Through this proposal, which sought to be a kind of buffer for the President of the Government, with the aim of “protect President Sánchez from a fake motionwithout options to prosper ”.

The initiative, in the opinion of Podemos, “can only be understood in the context of the battle that PP and Vox maintain for leading the attacks on the social and feminist advances of the coalition government.” From the socialist wing of the Government, they believe that Podemos’ request is explained in an electoral objectiveto gain space in the media and clearly oppose Vox.

The purple ones, in addition, point directly to the intervention of Díaz, anticipating her footsteps and despite the fact that not even she has spoken about her intention to intervene or not in the debate in Congress. To this day, the second vice president’s team avoids confirming her participation, and they limit themselves to ensuring that there is coordination in the government for organizing the debate. In Moncloa, along the same lines, they keep extreme discretion about the strategy to follow, which is still taking shape. “It will allow me not to reveal the parliamentary strategy in the motion of censure by the Government”, defended Pedro Sánchez this Wednesday from Lanzarote.

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“nothing closed”

In the socialist wing of the Government they assure that “nothing is closed” on the formulas to respond to the Vox candidate, Tamames, and ensure that there are many possibilities during the debate on the initiative. It is assumed that the President of the Government will intervene, but the format also allows the ministers to reply to the candidate in each of their areas.

One of the unknowns is whether Díaz, who is in the official launch countdown of his candidacy for generals. In his team they refuse to reveal his position, although close sources believe that could be “interested” in intervening and taking advantage of that window of visibility, with the aim of profiling and exhibiting his project shortly before giving the final shot of Sumar. In recent days, the leader has been inclined to give the initiative the importance she deserves. “We must take it seriously,” she said on Monday from Brussels, which she called to “respect” a parliamentary initiative where she announced that she “will defend everything that is necessary.”

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