Home » Stabilization process contest opposition of Administrative Group of the administrative function of the Ib-Salut

Stabilization process contest opposition of Administrative Group of the administrative function of the Ib-Salut

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Stabilization process contest opposition of Administrative Group of the administrative function of the Ib-Salut

Submit duly completed and registered claims, through any of the channels provided by Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the common administrative procedure of public administrations, article 16, point 4. Once registered, it is recommended send it to oposició[email protected].

Documentation to present

The claim that the candidate considers appropriate or necessary for it to be assessed.


Documents related to the procedure:

Maximum term

5 working days from the day after publication on the IBSALUT website.

Form of presentation

In accordance with the provisions of article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the common administrative procedure of public administrations, you can carry out this procedure through one of the following channels (among others ):

a) Electronically (*mandatory for subjects obliged to relate electronically with administrations by article 14.2 and 3 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, and optional for natural persons), by “clicking” on the “Access to the telematic procedure” button that you will find at the bottom of this procedure. To be able to do this type of procedure, you must have a digital certificate, electronic ID or permanent cl@ave.

b) In person (only for natural persons), at any of the registration offices of the Autonomous Administration, of the General Administration of the State, of the other autonomous communities or of the entities that make up the Local Administration. You can consult the addresses of all the offices of the Autonomous Administration.

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c) In addition, you can also send the documentation by post (only for natural persons). In this case, you must present the documents in an open envelope, so that the staff of the Post Office can indicate, by means of the official stamp, the place, the date and the exact time when it was made the record These data will also be noted in the proof sheet of the presentation.

*The subjects referred to in sections 2 and 3 of article 14 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, are obliged to communicate through electronic means with the administrations, so , in accordance with the provisions of article 68.4 of the aforementioned Law, if any of these subjects submits their application in person, the public administration must require them to amend it by submitting it electronically.

Competent body for processing

General Management (IbSalut)


Responsible Service or Section

Ibsalut Competitions and Competitions Service

C/ Gremi de Sabaters, 21, Polígon de Son Castelló.
Tel.: 971704422

([email protected])

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