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Toothache, when to go to the dental emergency room and how it works – breaking latest news

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Toothache, when to go to the dental emergency room and how it works – breaking latest news
Of Chiara Daina and Antonella Sparvoli

Caries remains the main reason, but the strongest pain is associated with pulpitis. In an emergency, you can go to a hospital emergency department

The toothache among the most intense pains you can feel. At the origin there may be problems with the dental tissues or linked to other pathologies. The most frequent cause of toothache is pulpitis, inflammation of the dental pulp. It can be a complication of advanced stage caries. Sometimes it can originate from trauma to the teeth.


Symptoms are: acute toothache, with throbbing pain very intense; often intermittent pain; sensitivity to thermal stimulisometimes swelling of surrounding tissue. If the result of a caries, the crown of the tooth appears damaged and a dark spot is noted. Other possible causes of toothache are: trigeminal neuralgia, temporomandibular joint problems, otitis media, sinusitis, lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and incorrect dental prostheses.

Possible remedies while waiting for the dental visit

Waiting for the dental visit, and in any case by consulting your doctorIt is possible to stem the toothache by following a few precautions: take a medicine when needed painkiller. In case of moderate pain, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, and, in case of intolerance to NSAIDs, paracetamol. If the pain is very strong, the association can be assumed paracetamol and codeine. Brush your teeth with warm water, because thermal stimuli can sharpen the pain. Use one soft bristle toothbrush. Brush your teeth with warm water. Sometimes the external application (on the cheek) of an ice pack can help. Avoid hiring food that is too hot or frozen.

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In case of urgency

For dental emergencies (acute infection, bleeding, trauma, worsening pain) all citizens have the right to be assisted immediately by resorting to the Emergency Room (Emergency Room). What different, however, they are planned treatments for dental pathologiesthat the National Health Service (NHS) guarantees only to certain categories of subjectsi.e. minors from 0 to 14 years of age, those with illnesses that can get worse due to dental problems (cancer patients undergoing chemo or radiotherapy treatment, awaiting or already transplanted, with severe immunodeficiency states), anyone with from conditions associated with dental complications (such as some rare diseases) but only in the presence of a state of poverty, in addition to all those who are in a situation of poverty (the access criteria are established at the regional level).


In every hospital emergency room, the health personnel immediately stop the bleeding from the mouth and manage the dental pain (administering a drug therapy), giving relief to the patient. But to have specialist assessment and treatment It is necessary to go to a dental Ps, normally present in hospitals equipped with a Dentistry department. Service active during office hours, in the morning (or until the afternoon), from Monday to Friday (sometimes also on Saturday). In rare cases available 24 hours a day, such as at Asst Spedali Civili in Brescia and at the Umberto I general hospital in Rome.

Out of time slot

Outside the hours guaranteed by the specialists, the staff of the General Emergency Department can make use of the assistance of the maxillofacial surgeon if the problem is not exclusively of a dental nature and also concerns the jaw or jaw. Edward Stellini, director of the odontostomatological clinic of the University Hospital of Padua. In some cases, it is the generalist PSs who send us patients who need specialist intervention directly, he says Livio Cordonehead of the dental emergency department of the Civil Spedali Asst.

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Once the most urgent symptom has been resolved, the patient who is one of the beneficiaries of the services guaranteed by the NHS comes accepted and listed for the necessary subsequent treatments, such as fillings, prostheses and dental repairs, which may require the payment of a ticket – continues Stellini -. If, on the other hand, the citizen does not fall within the vulnerability target due to pathology or economic hardship, he must contact the private dentist and self-pay for treatment. Including replacement of teeth after trauma.

In which cases should the Ps be used?

In the presence of a pulpitis, i.e. a pulsating pain in the teeth of increasing intensity and generally determined by a caries – answers Andrea Sardella, head of the complex operating unit of dentistry and stomatology of the Asst Santi Paolo e Carlo of Milan -. In the event of bleeding after a dental extraction or trauma, a fractured tooth, the breakage of a prosthesis or an orthodontic appliance to avoid spontaneous ingestion, an infection of the mucous membranes, a dental abscess which causes swelling of the cheek, or an abscess on the gums, a dislocated jaw that can leave the patient with a gaping mouth, or widespread and painful ulcers caused by the herpes simplex virus, especially in children, which make it difficult to eat and drink.

Tumor diagnosis

Last recommendation: To avoid improper access to PS, when you don’t know whether to go there or not, the citizen is invited to first consult the family doctor or the continuity of care service at times when the closed doctor’s office concludes Sardella. This also applies in the (important) case of early diagnosis of oral cancer: If you notice persistent changes in the mucous membrane of the mouth, for example red or white lesions, you should have yourself checked without delay and if there is a suspicion of cancer proceed with a histological examination underlines Stellini.

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August 17, 2022 (change March 17, 2023 | 18:33)

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