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EPST: Tony Mwaba Holds to the proper execution of the PERSE project – Capsud.net

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EPST: Tony Mwaba Holds to the proper execution of the PERSE project – Capsud.net

The Minister of EPST chaired, on Friday, an evaluation meeting of the PERSE project. This activity took place in the office of this education sub-sector authority.

Speaking to this effect, the project coordinator, Valère Munsya presented this initiative in a general and detailed manner.

« This Project will receive as soon as the objectives are achieved, direct support from the World Bank of USD $ 800 Million. Of which, 700 Million USD will be paid into the public treasury account“, he let know.

And to continue:

« The 100 Million USD will be distributed as follows: 15 Million USD to UNFPA, Fto deal with the fight against Gender-Based Violence. And the 85 Million USD to the Directorates responsible for carrying out the reforms initiated in order to perpetuate and consolidate free primary education.


Why Consider Reforms

According to Valère Munsya, Coordinator of PERSE, the presentation of the Directorates concerned by the reforms aims: the provision of language elements for taking charge of these reforms at the political level“. This, because, according to him, There is no success of a reform, if it is not supported politically by the Government« .

Furthermore, he made a point of recommending to the Minister to appropriate these various reforms which are supported by five Directorates of the Central Administration of the EPST.


What are these directions?

These are the following Directorates: the Directorate of Information and Education Management (DIGE); DINACOPE, formerly Secope; the School Administration Department (DAS) and Training Department (DIFOR); the Human Resources Department (HRD) and the Administrative and Financial Department (DAF).

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It should be noted that each of the Directors was invited to present his reform. This, by indicating the problems, the objective, the challenges of each reform and possible solutions.


The reaction of the Minister of EPST

In his speech, Tony MWABA gave clear and precise guidelines that could allow the proper execution of this project. A project that must integrate the national character of the Government’s objectives. This, in the Vision of the President of the Republic.

It should be noted that PERSE stands for: Project for Equity and Reinforcement of the Educational System.


Emongo Gerome

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