Home » New Moon and Sun in Aries in 2023 | Magazine | Horoscope

New Moon and Sun in Aries in 2023 | Magazine | Horoscope

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New Moon and Sun in Aries in 2023 |  Magazine |  Horoscope

Today, the New Moon in Aries arrives, and here’s what it brings us in terms of health, work, love…

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Today we can expect a new moon in the sky in the sign of Aries, which brings us great energy for new beginnings, which we will experience throughout the year. As astrologers note, a very favorable forecast awaits us.

The New Moon in Aries, guided by the stars, brings us new zest and fresh air that makes us think differently and look at things in a completely new way. But the question arises whether this astrological phenomenon will be reflected in all horoscope signs, or whether some are more or less affected by it.

Astrologer Gordana Dragišić revealed what awaits us in the coming period as a guest on the show “Puls of Serbia” on Kurir TV:

“I have to say that the Sun has entered the zodiac sign of Aries. It is an epoch. The Sun has thus started a new life sphere, and therefore spring has started. Due to the square in Mars, this period can manifest itself quite violently, so take care in the field of communication and don’t start new things if you haven’t resolved some life situation,” began Dragišić, then continued:

“The beginning of April brings a very nice and positive period, then communication will go smoothly, interpersonal relations will be balanced, new beautiful emotional stories can be started, especially those born in the sign Ovna, Lava i Strelcawhile then it will be a little turbulent for Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo… Let’s say Capricorn enters a very nice period from April 5,” she said at the end.

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