Home » MOP will enable this Friday a lane for light traffic on 49 south avenue – Diario La Página

MOP will enable this Friday a lane for light traffic on 49 south avenue – Diario La Página

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MOP will enable this Friday a lane for light traffic on 49 south avenue – Diario La Página

El Fovial announced tonight that starting at 4 in the morning this Friday, a lane will be enabled on 49 south avenue, in the direction of Los Héroes boulevard, for the circulation of light transport.

“We set up a lane for light traffic starting tomorrow at 4:00 am on 49th avenue south, in the direction of Los Héroes boulevard,” said the institution, adding that “for safety and preventive reasons, we will keep traffic restricted.” circulation where we repaired the collapsed water pipe.”

In the same way, he recommended heavy transport drivers to look for alternative routes while the passage is fully enabled. “Please follow the instructions of our workers and road managers,” he added.

A potable water pipe on 49th north-south avenue suffered damage on Wednesday of this week, undermining the lanes in the direction of Los Héroes boulevard.

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