Home » Summer time, a practical guide to getting into the rhythm of spring – Beauty & Fitness

Summer time, a practical guide to getting into the rhythm of spring – Beauty & Fitness

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Summer time, a practical guide to getting into the rhythm of spring – Beauty & Fitness

Here comes the long-awaited change of the hour. The days are getting longer, the temperatures are rising, the desire to be outdoors and to spend time outside increases. All advantages which, however, must be given time to the body to adapt, because human beings, just like animals, have a biological clock influenced by the rhythms of light and dark. The experts of Naturalsalus, an innovative start-up focused on the research and formulation of natural products, explain how to best manage the change of time – on the night between Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March, summer time returns, with the hands of the clocks at 2 o’clock they are moved forward one hour – everything that follows, without getting overwhelmed by emotional stress and any sleep disturbances.
circadian rhythms
Circadian rhythms regulate the physical and mental changes that occur to the body during the day. During the 24 hour cycle these changes are influenced by light and dark. These cycles are regulated by the hypothalamus, a structure of the central nervous system located in the central area inside the two cerebral hemispheres. Its role is to control, among other things, various somatic functions, such as sleep, thermoregulation, appetite and endocrine activity. The hypothalamus keeps our body clocks in sync with the environment through light and the eyes.
When the time zone changes, our body suffers. If we move the clock forward by an hour, in addition to sleeping an hour less, the body will find itself having the energy of 7 at 8 in the morning, and this evidently requires an adaptive effort. In general, the energy peaks are between 10 and 13, which then starts to go down between 14 and 17, which is why we get sleepy.
Light and dark weigh heavily on our energy and mood. But we must always bear in mind that they are both fundamental, because activity is just as important as good rest. We tend to associate a good mood with activity, but let’s not forget that an excess of activity and excitement generates anxiety, and that getting proper sleep and rest is very important for mood, relationships and productivity.
Essential plants and natural remedies to deal with the change of time
In this regard, to facilitate the transition to summer time, there are several plants that can help us both to relax, to have more energy and to detoxify our body.
Plants to relax:
– Melissa: is considered a rebalancing of the nervous system with tonic and relaxing properties.
– Passiflora: has a calming and relaxing action on the CNS; however, the traditional use of the plant demonstrates its sedative activity in particular on the anxious and emotional sphere. It is one of the most used phytotherapeutics in nervous sphere disorders.
– Hawthorn: has a relaxing, antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic action. he relieves the sense of anguish and oppression that often accompanies the anxious state.
– Rhodiola Rhodiola roots have an adaptogenic, anti-stress action, generally promoting learning and memory skills. It is also able to increase by about 30% the levels of serotonin in the central nervous system, a hormone capable of performing a sedative-anti-anxiety and mood toning action.
Plants (and not only) to reactivate energy
– He Shou Wu: plant with powerful antioxidant, tonic, adaptogenic power; increases the internal energy of the organism, favors the ability to concentrate and the degree of attention.
– Guarana: has an energizing action due to the xanthines contained, increases energy metabolism, making the body more tolerant of fatigue; increases the sensitivity of nerve and neuromuscular endings to adrenergic neurotransmitters, amplifying the action of these
– Eleutherococcus: has an adaptogenic and stimulating action on the body with a neuromuscular mechanism, stabilizes glycemic levels and therefore gives greater resistance in sports.
– Royal jelly: it is rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes, which give rise to a synergistic blend of energising, tonic and supportive components for physiological functions.
– Honey: a naturally balanced mix of sugars (glucose, fructose, dextrins), able to give energy with a lower glycemic peak than refined sugar and a more distributed absorption over time and therefore healthier for the body.
Plants for a detox treatment
– Sulforaphane: contains Sulforaphane which has a protective hepatic action, regenerates glutathione and favors the detoxification of radical compounds.
– Moringa: remarkable antioxidant potential thanks to the content of polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids; it has a purifying action on the organism.
– Schisandra: berry known in TCM for the characteristic of containing 5 flavours, it is highly appreciated for its purifying, antioxidant, regenerating and energetic properties.
– Sea Buckthorn: provides high values ​​of vitamin C and carotenoids; it is an antioxidant par excellence, it strengthens the immune system.

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