Home » Create the future hand in hand——Written on the occasion of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023

Create the future hand in hand——Written on the occasion of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023

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Xinhua News Agency, Boao, Hainan, March 28th Topic: Join Hands to Create the Future——Written on the occasion of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023

Xinhua News Agency reporter

On the coast of the South China Sea, Boao, Hainan. From March 28th to 31st, the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023 was held as scheduled, and the global political, business and academic circles gathered together to seek peaceful development and win-win cooperation.

The world is paying attention to “Boao Time”. Starting from an obscure fishing village, the Boao Forum for Asia has grown into a high-level dialogue platform with Asian characteristics and global influence over the past 20 years.

The world looks forward to the “Boao Voice”. This year’s annual meeting is the first one held entirely offline since the COVID-19 pandemic. Behind the theme of “Uncertain World: Unity and Cooperation to Meet Challenges, Openness and Inclusiveness to Promote Development”, the participants were eager to share wisdom and build consensus in dialogue and consultation.

“Hand in hand to meet challenges, cooperate to create the future” “Together in the same boat to overcome difficulties, destiny and create a better future”…Since 2013, President Xi Jinping has delivered five keynote speeches at the forum’s annual meeting, all focusing on “the future”. At a new starting point, the world once again turned its attention to the East, expecting the new “Boao Plan” to bring together a powerful joint force to overcome difficulties and create a future.

Working together to build consensus on development in an uncertain world

At 9:30 am on the 28th, half an hour before the start of the press conference, the Seagull Hall of the Boao Forum for Asia Press Center was already full of people.

On March 28, the press conference and flagship report conference of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023 was held.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Cheng

The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023 is the first time that offline meetings have been fully resumed since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, and it is also an important home multilateral diplomatic event after China’s two sessions.

Beginning on the 28th, for four days, about 2,000 guests gathered in Boao Town to analyze the development situation in Asia and the world, and build a consensus on cooperative development.

This is a platform for communication, collaboration and wisdom sharing on the new starting point——

Based in Asia, facing the world. In 2001, when the Boao Forum for Asia was established, Asia had just experienced the severe financial crisis and the economy was struggling to recover. Along the way, the forum has grown from small to large, and the “Boao voice” has grown from weak to strong. It has put forward many valuable “Boao plans” in terms of building consensus in Asia, promoting cooperation among all parties, promoting economic globalization, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. made positive contributions.

“This year’s annual meeting will continue to focus on the frontier issues of development in Asia and the world, and is committed to building consensus among all countries to jointly promote the recovery of the world economy after the epidemic, and to promote the international community to strengthen policy coordination, solidarity and cooperation, to meet common challenges and promote common development.” Boao Asia Li Baodong, secretary-general of the forum, said.

The Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center (drone photo) taken on March 24.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Cheng

This year’s forum will focus on the four major sections of development and inclusiveness, governance and security, region and the world, and the present and the future. Through a variety of activities such as sub-forums and roundtable meetings, new wisdom will be contributed to global governance and development.

This is a platform to explore the way out and promote development under the changing situation——

At present, the new crown epidemic, geopolitical conflicts, and the downturn of the world economy… What’s wrong with the world? What should the international community do?

“Uncertain World: Unity and Cooperation to Meet Challenges, Openness and Inclusiveness to Promote Development”, the theme of this year’s annual meeting meets the development needs of all parties and reflects the common aspiration of the international community for peace, cooperation and development.

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“Uncertainty is still the hot word of the year.” Ban Ki-moon, chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia, said that in the face of the new normal full of uncertainties, only unity and cooperation can create an open, inclusive and sustainable world.

This is a platform to share opportunities in China and create a better future together——

“China’s open door will not be closed, it will only open wider!”

“No matter what changes take place in the world, China’s confidence and will to reform and open up will not be shaken.”


In Boao, President Xi Jinping continued to release to the world the strong message of China’s openness to share development opportunities with the world.

This year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The 2023 Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference has opened a new window for countries around the world to understand China’s economic development and social outlook.

Advancing Chinese-style modernization will bring new historic opportunities for global common prosperity.

Chen Jianghe, chairman of Singapore Golden Eagle Group who came to participate in the forum, said that Golden Eagle Group is increasing its investment in Asia, especially in the Chinese market, and will invest tens of billions of yuan in Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places, closely focusing on China. To meet the needs of the fast-growing middle-income group, develop production and extend the industrial chain.

Facing challenges together, contributing Asian power to global prosperity and development

On March 15, with the roar of the engine, a Hainan Airlines plane took off from Haikou Meilan International Airport and arrived at Singapore Changi Airport at 11:00 local time. Haikou and Singapore ushered in the resumption of round-trip flights.

The resumption of the route from Haikou to Singapore, the opening of routes from Haikou to Phnom Penh and Bangkok, the visa-free entry policy of 59 countries in Hainan… a series of measures will further promote the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and promote exchanges and cooperation between Hainan and Asian countries.

In the international context where protectionism and unilateralism are on the rise, and “decoupling and broken chains” are disturbing the world, Asia will accelerate the process of regional economic integration, which will provide important support for the prosperity and development of the global economy.

“Asia is a key driving force for world economic growth and sustainable development.” Zhou Xiaochuan, vice chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia, said that despite the continued turmoil in the international situation and weakening global demand, Asia will make important contributions to global growth and stability in 2023.

This is the Xinying Bay area where the Yangpu Economic Development Zone in Hainan Province is located (drone photo, taken on February 26).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pu Xiaoxu

The annual report “Asian Economic Prospects and Integration Process” released by the Boao Forum for Asia on the 28th pointed out that as an important engine of the world economy, the overall pace of recovery of Asian economies will accelerate in 2023, with an expected growth rate of 4.5%, which will become a bleak picture of the world economy. highlights.

Win-win cooperation is the only way for Asia’s development——

On January 1, 2022, the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement” (RCEP) will come into effect, and the world‘s largest free trade zone will officially set sail.

The report “Asian Economic Prospects and Integration Process” pointed out that in the context of multiple crises in the multilateral trading system, RCEP has greatly improved the level of trade facilitation in the region, and is constantly showing the benefits of intra-regional trade and investment systems and opening up.

Korean cosmetics, Japanese high-end electronic equipment, Vietnamese passion fruit and durian… For more than a year, China’s deepening RCEP “friend circle” has stimulated the growth potential of foreign trade. According to customs statistics, China’s imports and exports to the other 14 RCEP member states will reach 12.95 trillion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%, which continues to demonstrate the advantages of RCEP’s regional trade liberalization.

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This year’s annual meeting will discuss topics such as stimulating the superposition of RCEP rules and free trade zone policies, strengthening practical cooperation among RCEP countries, and promoting exchanges and cooperation among international free trade zones (Hong Kong).

Zhang Bo, chairman of Shandong Weiqiao Entrepreneurship Group, said that RCEP’s unique tariff and investment preferential terms provide enterprises with unprecedented opportunities, making enterprises more confident in continuously developing international upstream and downstream partners, maintaining the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain, and achieving a win-win situation. Contribute positively to development.

Expand the new space for international cooperation with high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”——

On the afternoon of the 28th, in the Dongyu Banquet Hall on the first floor of the Boao International Conference Center, the sub-forum “‘Belt and Road’: Sharing Development Opportunities” was underway.

“The essence of the ‘Belt and Road’ lies in sharing. China is willing to share its successful experience in poverty alleviation with countries along the route without reservation and without additional conditions. By promoting common prosperity and building a community with a shared future for mankind, Pakistan has also benefited a lot from it.” Pakistan The words of Minister of Planning, Development and Special Projects Ahsan Iqbal attracted frequent nods from Chinese and foreign guests.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative. Recently, there have been frequent reports of success in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” by Asian countries: all freight stations on the China-Laos Railway have been put into operation, the Golden Port Expressway in Cambodia has opened to traffic, and the East Coast Railway in Malaysia, which was built by a Chinese company, has entered a period of accelerated construction… The picture of regional connectivity in Asia has become clearer.

Only with an open mind can we cooperate and win-win. Since China put forward the Global Development Initiative more than a year ago, more than 100 countries and international organizations have supported the initiative, and nearly 70 countries have joined the “Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative” to gather strength to promote common global development.

Several sub-forums of this year’s annual conference focused on hot topics such as Asian connectivity and regional economic cooperation, and helped Asia continue to become the “power source” of world economic recovery through cooperation and development.

Outside the venue, a sculpture titled “Song of the Belt and Road” stood at the meeting point of the Sanjiang River. The elegant and flexible golden ribbon holds up the same sky, conveying the infinite vision for a new future of Asia that embraces all rivers and wins cooperation and win-win results.

Open and inclusive, providing new opportunities for the world with China’s new development

About 200 kilometers away from the site of the Boao Forum for Asia, the Hainan Yangpu International Container Terminal is busy with cranes and trailers. In the first two months of this year, the container throughput of the terminal has completed a total of 269,600 TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 8%, ushering in a “good start”.

The Yangpu International Container Terminal (drone photo, February 28) taken in the Xinyingwan area of ​​Hainan.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pu Xiaoxu

Looking at the whole island of Hainan, the tourism consumption market has also been picking up strongly since the beginning of the year. According to Haikou Customs statistics, during the Spring Festival travel period from January 7 to February 15, a total of 8.95 billion yuan of duty-free shopping on outlying islands was supervised, with an average daily sales of over 200 million yuan, showing huge consumption potential.

The thriving Hainan Free Trade Port has confirmed the resilience and vitality of China’s economy, and it has also injected confidence into the weak world economy.

On January 25, tourists purchased duty-free goods at the duty-free shop of CDFG Haikou Sun Moon Plaza.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Guanyu

“The strong rebound of the Chinese economy is expected to contribute about one-third of global economic growth in 2023, which will bring a welcome boost to the world economy.” Georgieva, president of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said.

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According to IMF estimates, every 1 percentage point increase in China’s GDP growth rate will increase the average GDP growth rate of other Asian economies by 0.3 percentage points.

This year, China has set an expected economic growth target of around 5%. Liu Qiao, dean of Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, said that a number of economic indicators show that China’s economy is recovering steadily, and the annual growth target can be achieved with hard work. The stability and sustainability of the Chinese economy will play an important role in promoting global economic growth.

Firmly grasping the primary task of high-quality development, China will adhere to the basic national policy of opening up, firmly pursue a mutually beneficial and win-win opening strategy, and continue to provide new opportunities for the world with China’s new development.

Entering the Boao International Conference Center, on the corridor leading to the venue, Samsung, AstraZeneca, vivo and many other domestic and foreign companies made a concentrated appearance, displaying the latest scientific and technological achievements, highlighting the forum’s focus on innovation and development.

Not long ago, the “Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China” was announced. As the world‘s second largest digital economy, China’s accelerated digital development will undoubtedly bring more benefits to international economic and trade cooperation.

To practice the “dual carbon” goal, China’s green transformation is pregnant with huge opportunities and space.

This is the Xiaoyangwo Photovoltaic Power Station in Qiaojia County, Yunnan Province (drone photo) taken on March 20.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao

According to the global and Asia-Pacific economic confidence survey released by the Boao Forum for Asia, more than half of the respondents believe that the production and large-scale application of renewable energy, especially new energy such as wind and light, is a huge opportunity for China’s manufacturing industry. 38.8% and 33.5% of the respondents believe that the development of new energy vehicles, green supply chain and energy storage technology are the industries with the most growth prospects.

As the world‘s second largest consumer market and the largest trader of goods, China is also a key hub of the world‘s economic cycle. Preparations for the third China Consumer Expo are underway. Hundreds of companies have signed contracts to participate in the sixth China International Import Expo. The 133rd Canton Fair will fully resume offline exhibitions… The “magnetism” of China’s ultra-large-scale market has been further released.

This is the assembly line of GAC Aian New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. in Panyu District, Guangzhou City (photographed on February 24).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Deng Hua

Embarking on a new journey, China strives to promote Chinese-style modernization, which will inject strong impetus into world prosperity and security.

Martin Jacques, a well-known British scholar and expert on China, said that at a time when economic globalization is facing headwinds and the “old road” of Western modernization has encountered bottlenecks, Chinese-style modernization will not only open up many new possibilities for China’s future development, but also provide new possibilities for the world. Ideas, new thinking and new goals.

To break out of the fog and go to the light, the most powerful force is working together, and the most effective way is to help each other.

“Wanquan River is clear and clear…” In the Boao International Conference Center, this familiar and beautiful melody sounded again. Looking from the meeting site, where the three rivers flow into the sea, the wind from the Pacific Ocean blows in your face, spreading the “Boao Voice” to all parts of the world. (Reporters Chen Liangjie, Han Jie, Gao Jing, Zhao Yeping, Xu Xu, Wei Yukun)

Video reporters: Hu Hanbo, Wang Anhaowei, Ding Yiquan, Zeng Wei, Wang Huan, Wang Qiwen, Qin Guanghua, Huang Kaiying, Cao Yiming, Liang Shun, Guo Xinhui, Wang Teng, Li Jin (internship)

Poster Design: Pan Hongyu

New Media Editors: Xu Man, Cen Yunpeng

Coordinator: He Yuxin, Zhou Yongmin

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