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“The minister continues to cause confusion” – breaking latest news

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“The minister continues to cause confusion” – breaking latest news

«There is no comparison to be made, there are laws and a precise sentence. The mayors already know what they can and cannot do. Eugenia Roccella, Minister of the Familycloses the doors in the face of the mayors who are seeking an interlocution with the government on the transcripts of the children of same-parent couples.

Milan, Naples, Rome, Turin, Bologna, Florence, Bari: these are the mayors of the largest cities in Italy who have written a letter for a meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi. They, the mayors, had already begun to transcribe the children of the women on their municipal registers homoparental couples. «You need a very wide axis to win the battle over the children of gay couples. An axis ideally composed of the Greens, the Left, the Third Pole, the M5S and obviously the Pd,” he said from Brussels Beppe Salamayor of Milan who had to suspend the transcripts due to a stop by the prefect after one circular from Minister Piantedosi.

However, Minister Roccella specifies: «The mayors are not protesting against the Piantedosi circular, but against the sentence of the Court of Cassation. So they should have if anything a dialogue with the president of the merged sections. There is a very precise sentence». But this is the point that the mayors dispute. Why he explains in detail Roberto Gualtieri, mayor of Rome: «It seems to me that Minister Roccella continues to confuse sentences that deal with different cases. The latest verdict of the Court of Cassation of December 2022, to which you refer, in fact always deals with a case of surrogacy. That act indicates adoption in special cases as the way forward for the recognition of dual parenthood if there is a gestation for others. But we are talking about something else. Of children with two mothers, one of whom carried on the pregnancy.

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On Wednesday in the European Parliament there was a debate on the rights of children of same-parent families, and attention was focused on the Italian case. It is the unequal treatment within the framework of the European Union that the mayors have highlighted in the letter in which they asked for a meeting with the government. And in the meantime all seven mayors have called a meeting in Turin.

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