Home » Bills decree, salaries of doctors and nurses increase – QuiFinanza

Bills decree, salaries of doctors and nurses increase – QuiFinanza

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Bills decree, salaries of doctors and nurses increase – QuiFinanza

More money for those who work in the emergency room and more freedom for the ASL for the hiring of new doctorsa stop to coin-operating doctors and greater flexibility for the recruitment of doctors interns and foreign white coats.

There are many innovations that should give Italian healthcare some breathing room, introduced by Health Minister Schillaci in the Bollette decree in agreement with his colleague from the Economy.

Higher ER salaries and overtime augmentation

According to the decree, doctors working in emergency rooms will be entitled to a salary increase.
In addition, the salary will be increased extraordinary: one hour of additional work will be paid 100 euroinstead of the current 60.

The operation of the fund intended for theallowance first aid for i medici. Salaries will therefore be raised six months ahead of schedule.

An increase in the specific indemnity is also envisaged for nurses active in the emergency departments.
In addition to emergency rooms, the decree should also introduce incentives for those who provide other services considered uncomfortable and strenuous.

New rules and limits for token doctors

The decree sets new limits on the use of the so-called token doctorsprofessionals that hospitals use to make up for staff shortages.

First there must be serious staff shortages in the urgent emergency services, starting from the emergency rooms, to entrust, on a single occasion and with no possibility of extension, assignments to external doctors or nurses. Trust can last no more than a year and it’s about “economic operators who make use of medical and nursing personnel in possession of the professional requirements contemplated by the provisions in force”. It means that they must have specialization in emergency medicine or equivalent (such as internal medicine). What we want to avoid is that a token doctor specializing in dermatology is employed in cardiology or that an orthopedist is required to perform services as a pulmonologist.

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Also, there will be a roof even at their age. In this way, Minister Schillaci wants to put the limits on the use of doctors over seventy.

The ministry will then indicate the reference prices. At the moment, certain coin doctors also take 1,200 euros for a shift in the emergency room. The managers of the structures that do not respect the economic terms will also be evaluated from the point of view of the tax damage.
Furthermore, those who leave public structures to work in private ones will no longer be able to return to the national health service.

New stabilizations of residents

Young medical graduates who are facing their period of specialist training they can be inserted in the Emergency Department by providing service in the 8 hours of work per week. An additional 40 euros per hour will be paid.

Who, even adding fixed-term contracts, in the period between 1 January and 30 June 2023 will have worked in the emergency at least three years, he will be able to participate in emergency medicine competitions even if he has not completed his specialization.

Intramoenia for nurses

Nurses and other health professionals (such as laboratory or radiology technicians), not only in emergency rooms but in all hospital sectors, will be able to freelance intramoenialike doctors, because they will no longer have the exclusive bond with the public system.

Stabilization of foreign doctors

By way of derogation from the rules on the recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad, foreign doctors, both EU and non-EU countries, may also work in public health facilities.

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More serious penalties for assaults on health personnel

To deal with the serious problem of attacks against healthcare personnel, the penal code is modified. The crime of injury will become aggravated (with a sentence of up to 7 years) even if the victim is a health or social-health professional who is carrying out his job. The crime will be prosecuted ex officio.

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