Home » Procurement code, Lega-Busia question and answer: “But mayors are heroes”

Procurement code, Lega-Busia question and answer: “But mayors are heroes”

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Procurement code, Lega-Busia question and answer: “But mayors are heroes”

Distant controversy, between Lega and Anac, then the final clarification. To trigger the fuse Stefano Locatelli, head of the Local Authorities of the League attacks the president of Anac Busia guilty of having criticized the procurement code, judging his statements “serious, unspeakable and uninformed”. Busia replies that “the mayors, especially in small municipalities, are heroes today. They perform an essential, very important function, are paid very little and take on great responsibilities”. Statement that soothes the climate that sources from the Ministry led by Salvini reveal “great satisfaction and relief for the obvious course correction by the Anac president who has now defined the mayors as heroes to be admired”.

The League against Busia

“The League has full faith in local administrators, unlike the president of Anac who obviously considers them corrupt and corruptible. Busia, before shooting zero on the mayors and on the Salvini Code, should think about what future he wants for Italy. We want efficiency and de-bureaucratisation for a fast country, there is no doubt”, declared the deputies of the League in the Environment commission Gianpiero Zinzi, Alessandro Benvenuto, Gianangelo Bof, Elisa Montemagni and Graziano Pizzimenti.

“Those who point the finger a priori at Italian mayors cannot fill the role of president of the Anac. The statements of Giuseppe Busia who accuse practically thousands of first citizens of corruption are serious, unfounded and inaccurate. Unacceptable. He has the role of controller , not as an accuser. Take a step back and apologize to our mayors who will, instead, be able to entrust public works with transparency for the good of their communities. With the Salvini code, work is given a free hand with faster procurement and greater autonomy to local authorities, certainly not at random construction sites for ‘personal relationships'”. Thus the senator of the League, Gianluca Cantalamessa who is also group leader of his party in the Industry commission of Palazzo Madama.

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For the President of Anac Giuseppe Busìa, to “L’Aria che tira”: “Corrupt administrators? No, in the most absolute way. Mayors, especially in small municipalities, are heroes today. They perform an essential, very important function, are paid very little and take on great responsibilities”. “Anac only has admiration for the mayors”, he added, underlining that “controllability and transparency can be reconciled” and that bidding for contracts “in itself is not the bulk of the time spent. I think the best companies are penalised”, and it is those “incapable” who “cause delays”.

“Towards the mayors – said Busia – Anac only has admiration, as well as towards public officials. They are people in the vast majority who serve the institution and work to do well. The trust that Anac places in the mayors is full. Not only that. Anac joins the administrations that stipulate a memorandum of understanding with us, and we help them by checking the documents before and during the tender, to reduce the dispute”. Speaking of crime in tenders, Busia – during an interview with “L’Aria che tira” – underlined that “unfortunately there are sectors in which crime is present. Having to spend large resources in a tight time frame, the risks are high “. In the opinion of the president of Anac, however, “controllability and transparency can be reconciled with the speed of doing, through digital. No time is wasted. The race itself is not the bulk of the time spent. not even a warning the best companies are penalized. And if incapable companies are chosen, they are the ones to cause delays”, concluded Busia.

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Simpler and faster procurement, the new Code arrives

The criticisms of the CGIL

“After unlocking construction sites, the government with the Minister of Infrastructure Matteo Salvini returns to overturn the Code of public contracts”. That’s what he says the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Giuseppe Massafra.

According to the union, “the new text is a real leap backwards, a counter-reform that eliminates the qualifying aspects in the procurement procedures inspired by the principles of transparency, non-discretion, correctness and free competition between companies”. The risk, observes Massafra, is that “wide passages open to the mafia and corruption”. For the confederal secretary of the CGIL, “the substance of the public tender is effectively cancelled, which in order to be such must have public evidence as its central element, consisting of the call for tenders, its advertising and the effective participation of companies in the public tenders”.

Furthermore, adds Massafra, “there is the possibility of proceeding with the so-called cascade subcontracting without any limits. In this way, the business system is weakened through entirely downward competition whose central element is not the quality of the work, but the reduction of costs, above all those of labour, thereby facilitating the proliferation of undeclared work and the presence of companies responding to organized crime”.

The new Procurement Code, reiterates, “represents a real leap backwards, especially in a phase of massive investments that will involve the procurement sector with public resources made available by the Pnrr and by EU funds. This is why our battle will continue”, starting with the demonstration already proclaimed for Saturday 1 April by Fillea-Cgil and Feneal-Uil.

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“We will fight against a new Code that risks worsening working conditions and workers’ rights and to defend the achievements made such as – concludes Massafra – the obligation of social clauses in defense of employment continuity, the non-rebasability of labor costs, of the durc of adequacy of the workforce, of equal treatment and the same contract for contracted and subcontracted workers”.

Read the full article on ANSA.it

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