Home » Kiyine, shocking accident: the car takes off and crashes into a gym

Kiyine, shocking accident: the car takes off and crashes into a gym

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 L'ex centrocampista di Chievo, Lazio, Salernitana e Venezia ha riportato fratture multiple ma non è in pericolo di vita

Very bad accident and near tragedy for Sofian Kiyine, former midfielder of Chievo, Lazio, Salernitana and Venice. The Belgian footballer, near Liège, lost control of his car after taking the edge of a roundabout at high speed, being thrown five meters in height. The vehicle broke through the window of a sports hall, where miraculously there were no longer any children who had just finished the workout. Kiyine suffered multiple fractures but his life is not in danger.

Leuven, the Belgian club where Kiyine plays, issued an official statement on the player’s condition: “Sofian Kiyine was taken to the emergency room of the nearest hospital where further tests are underway: his life is not in danger. Fortunately in “No other vehicles or people were involved in the accident. The club awaits clarity on the exact circumstances of how the accident occurred before responding further. We wish Sofian a speedy recovery.”

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