Home » Venerating the Holy Thorn, the Procession through the streets of Vasto

Venerating the Holy Thorn, the Procession through the streets of Vasto

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Venerating the Holy Thorn, the Procession through the streets of Vasto

Always strong and heartfelt there veneration of the Vastesi for the Holy Thorn.

After solemn Eucharistic celebration of 18 in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in the center of the city, ‘casa‘ of the relic, celebration as always presided over by the archbishop of the diocese of Chieti-Vasto, monsignor Bruno Fortethe procession through the streets of the ancient village.

Brotherhoods, including that of the Holy Thorn and Gonfalone and several of which came from outside, religious groups, parish priests, authorities and faithful accompanied the Sacred Thorn in what has been confirmed as one of the most heartfelt and dear religious rites of the local community.

During the journey, as had already happened last year, stop in front of the Gulf of Vastoin Piazza del Popolofor the prayer for peace and a thought for the victims of war by the bishop.

Always suggestive and intense, then, the canto dell'”Ave Spina“, sung by female and male choir of the Confraternity and the parish who accompanied the procession which ended around 8pm.

The feast of the Holy Thorn opens in Vasto a intense religious period ahead of the holiday Easter.

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