Home » The 5A rule to eat healthier and in the correct way, very useful

The 5A rule to eat healthier and in the correct way, very useful

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The 5A rule to eat healthier and in the correct way, very useful

When we eat a little too much for lunch or a dog, we end up feeling guilty. It is important to never underestimate your diet. To stay fit and assimilate all the necessary nutrients, it is useful to follow the 5A rule. Here’s what it consists of.

As a famous German philosopher wroteFeuerbachWe are what we eat”. By now the argument “healthy eating” is increasingly part of our way of thinking.

For a long time, the majority of Italians have been careful in choosing what to put at the table. We are increasingly inclined to buy few but quality products.

Many experts – biologists and nutritionists – underline how good nutrition can have a positive effect about our health. Choosing carefully what to bring to the table means contributing to our daily well-being, both physical and mental.

Eat healthy with the 5A rule

The way our body works and our cognitive functions essentially depend on our diet. Choose to “eat well” brings both short-term and long-term benefits. What doesn’t happen instead by following wrong habits. The main rule is to limit those considered foods to a minimum “harmful”.

The 5A rule for a healthy diet – wineandfoodtour.it

Their consumption, in addition to creating problems for our body, leads to a general state of malaise. Fatigue, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, nausea, headaches are just some of the associated symptoms to bad and unregulated nutrition. It may seem strange, but even having times and times to respect when we eat helps us feel better.

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Good habits start when we go shopping. For example, if some days we don’t have time to cook and we choose ready-made foods, we learn to read the labels. The choice of products without additives and preservatives is essential, as is the consumption of the quantities of these foods. If we can avoid feeding ourselves with industrial preparations, our body will thank us.

Healthy eating with 5A

Not following rules in our diet can lead to chronic inflammatory states in our body. The doctor Veronique Liesse, nutritionist dietician, explains how eating unhealthy foods leads to the risk of even serious diseases. Therefore it is from this that she advises to follow the 5A rule to live a healthy life.

Foods rich in Omega 3

Foods rich in Omega 3 – wineandfoodtour.it

For starters, it’s good to choose products rich in Omega-3s and spices, such as nuts, salmon, mackerel, spinach, chickpeas and much more. (Anti-inflammatories).

Also consume vegetables, cereals, seeds, fruit and legumes daily (Antioxidants) it’s important. Insert into shopping list yogurt, milk, tubers, fresh fruit is essential for a regular intestinal life (Anti-dysbiosis). Furthermore, foods with a high fiber content and a low glycemic index are essential in the diet (Anti-hyperglycemic). Finally, it is advisable to cook at low temperatures and choose organic crops (Anti-toxic).

The nutritionist also highlights the fact that what we eat also regulates our mood. This means that the right foods also affect hormones.

Following a diet based on these small indications helps to stimulate serotonin and dopamine, the so-called well-being hormones. Taking proteins, vegetables and raw fruit leads to a balance that favors muscle relaxation and relaxation.

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The advantages of these rules

Being able to be constant in consuming these foods on a daily basis allows us to regulate the glucose level and to keep cholesterol under control, which is especially useful if you are at risk of obesity. Everything related to sausages, refined cereals and red meats should be consumed in moderation.

The Benefits of the 5A Rule

The advantages of the 5A rule – wineandfoodtour.it

To hire protein and iron better to fall back on raw ham. Even sugars, salt and alcohol must be limited, being difficult for our body to metabolise, they tend to accumulate in the blood and consequently there is the risk that the cholesterol value will increase.

Finally, let’s not forget that to stay healthy you need to drink lots of waterdo physical activity and preferably choose local and seasonal products.

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