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Scattered considerations after Juventus-Verona (1-0)

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Scattered considerations after Juventus-Verona (1-0)

An essential Juventus puts another brick in the standings.

-That Juventus is not a team for fine palates is certainly not the novelty of this first evening in April but, in the face of what will probably be the most important month of the black and white season, Allegriā€™s team decides to put all the pragmatism that characterized them in their best moments to good use and overcome a lukewarm Verona doing just the bare minimum. Without disturbing faces and horses, immersed in a ranking whose true meaning is difficult to know, it is very clear that the result is the only true mission of this team. And all in all the results, somehow, this team is getting them;

-The starting eleven chosen by Allegri seems to be a test of difficulty: with the internationals recovering energy on the bench and without his French totem, the Livorno player chooses a flat and somewhat monotonous team, con De Sciglio to man the left out instead of Kostic, barrenechea a little awkward in filling Raboitā€™s post and a Owned by still rusty from the absence to lead the offensive front. The impression is that the solutions to score are very few, and this is demonstrated by the fact that the greatest opportunity created by Juventus in the first half is a free-kick by Danilo which meets a clear deflection. A little;

-On the other side Hellas Verona lives the most classic of ā€œI would but I canā€™tā€. After a terrible start to the season, it is evident how much the Scala family have definitely changed register in terms of attitude, aware of the fact that one certainly cannot be picky about saving points. They are also looking for them in Turin with a lot of will (Depaoliā€™s performance was beautiful and generous) and, in truth, they also create some prerequisites for worrying Juventus, but the yellow and blues really lack quality. A weak and lopsided shot by Adolfo Gaich from the edge of the area is the most evocative image of a technical poverty (especially offensive) that ends up extinguishing any good intentions;

ā€“ Everything seems set up for the classic score: the skimpy 0-0 until half an hour from the end, the quality changes, the decisive goal. And instead the decisive goal comes first, from one Moise Kean which actually does little else good (but thatā€™s enough, for this time). The changes should then serve to consolidate and manage a painstakingly acquired advantage but, surprisingly, end up further weakening Juve, who finds himself entrusting his restarts to players who enter off, and never light up. Still far from the best mental condition, Dusan Vlahovic continues his labors, but the most disappointing entrance is that of a Of Maria who probably doesnā€™t even take off his slippers before entering: how different is the European version of Fideo?

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-In a particularly flat technical context, to take the ranks of leader is Manuel Locatelli, on the long wave of some good performances (monumental against Inter). The ex Sassuolo navigates among the rookies and guarantees all the experience and personality required in a situation like this, resulting by posting the best in the field and embellishing his test with the assist for the winning goal. While admitting that we cannot know any possible background, it remains difficult to understand why, in todayā€™s national team, not even a niche has been found for a midfielder who provides this type of performance.

The article Scattered considerations after Juventus-Verona (1-0) comes from Sportellate.it.

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