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“They always humiliate us, the troops are demoralized.”

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“They always humiliate us, the troops are demoralized.”

The Army’s decision to withdraw more than 700 soldiers, which it called “arbitrary”, prevented them from completing their training and leaving the army after 20 years of service. These heartbreaking testimonies of the affected military were known.

The soldier Nicolás Loaiza expressed his indignation with the Army for the administrative measure, pointing out that the officials constantly make fun of the uniformed officers.
“They have always demoted us because they are arbitrary decisions made with us by the high command, which in this case are those in charge of directing the Army. They all claim to be in the military, but I ask them: what are they doing? the soldiers? Our rights are constantly violated,” Loaiza said.

The professional soldier stated that the Army is already experiencing this type of determination that negatively impacts soldiers’ efforts to reintegrate into society after serving years in combat. He claimed that this type of determination results in the demoralization of the troops.
The professional soldier also asked the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, to examine with a magnifying glass the administrative arbitrariness that is being deployed in the Army.

Because we are the foundation and the group that is experiencing the hardest times, and that is why our retirement pension deteriorates by up to 50%, the president must focus attention on a problem as serious as the situation of us professional soldiers. 100 percent,” he insisted.

A large concentration of Army personnel, 23 soldiers and lieutenant colonels who chose to hang up their uniforms. In this instance, the big surprise is an “own request”, according to a document, rather than decisions by President Gustavo Petro or Defense Minister Iván Velásquez.

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This is clarified by Circular 2023305000523121, which is addressed to command chiefs, directorates, barracks units, Army generals, commands, battalions and units. Confirms the general military exit.
According to the document, “I allow myself to inform said commanders of Resolution 0779, of March 14, 2023, by which they retire from active service in the Military Forces – National Army, at their own request. I do it with all the attention and in compliance with the orders and instructions of the Brigadier General Commander of the National Army Personnel Command”.

The document, which serves as information to the troops and calls for these 23 soldiers to be “disbanded”, sets off another alarm within the Forces, where voluntary requests for retirement from service have been frequent, in addition to the reforms and reorganizations caused by presidential order.

The National Police, where last week there was also news of a strong tremor, which revealed the tension that exists in this body, has been experiencing similar problems. The seriousness of this fact and the number of affiliates who requested withdrawal is not an isolated issue.

Resolution 0664 of the Ministry of Defense, which established the voluntary retirement of 32 National Police agents, was known at the time. Lieutenant Colonel Yeimi Liliana Moreno Medina, Lieutenant Colonel Claudia Patricia Vargas and Lieutenant Colonel Leonardo Gordillo are some of the officers who made the decision to leave the facilities.

Also on the voluntary retirement list were 15 older members of the Colombian National Police.

It is worth remembering that during the government of President Gustavo Petro there has been the biggest shake-up in the history of the public force, with the departure of more than 50 generals and other important groups of officers after taking office.

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