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New conditions in infrastructure and security achieve greater tourist attraction in the country

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New conditions in infrastructure and security achieve greater tourist attraction in the country

The presidential commissioner for Strategic Projects, Cristian Flores, highlighted how El Salvador has gained international recognition, through strategies implemented in various areas, which have generated economic dynamism and boosted tourist attraction to the country.

“Tourism is the first stage of return from the war against gangs, El Salvador is already a different country, the safest on the continent. The conditions of security, connectivity and guarantees that we now enjoy have allowed significant growth in the tourism sector,” the official highlighted.

Likewise, Flores explained that through the creation of Surf City, the Government has revitalized the national economy, on the other hand, he remarked that the country is positioned abroad as one of the best tourist destinations for surfing, which has allowed that the country becomes the venue for important world championships and tournaments in this sport, such as the Alas Pro Tour.

“Tourists also arrive in the country on the most luxurious cruise ships in the world, and can enjoy gastronomic, cultural and ecological tourist routes along the volcanic chain, enjoying the archaeological wealth, religious customs and colonial architecture in the Historic Center” , stressed the commissioner.

Finally, the official explained that El Salvador has consolidated a historic public investment in highways, streets, bridges, tourist infrastructure and services that will guarantee safe and dignified mobility for travelers arriving in the country, as well as for local tourism.

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