Home » Who is Annalena Benini, the new director of the Turin Book Fair

Who is Annalena Benini, the new director of the Turin Book Fair

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Who is Annalena Benini, the new director of the Turin Book Fair

Surprise announcement by the Municipality of Turin and the Piedmont Region, which however confirm what has transpired in recent weeks: the intention to give a successor to Nicola Lagioia even before the International Book Fair in May. Indeed, it will be the journalist and writer Annalena Benini who takes up the baton, who will be presented at Palazzo Madama this afternoon, 3 April.

«I am happy and honoured, an unexpected assignment – explains Benini – What a beautiful thing, I am excited and amazed. For me it has always been the most important event, a fundamental place to go, to think about. A beautiful thing.” «I received the call on Saturday on Whatsapp from a number I did not know. Viale, the mayor and Cirio were together. I accepted yesterday. First I was terrified then I took courage, it’s a magnificent opportunity. I promise I’ll do the best I can. I can begin by observing the magnificent work done by Nicola Lagioia, a writer I admire very much».

Journalist and writer

Daughter-in-law of Vittorio Feltri, granddaughter of Daria Bignardi, a close friend of Francesco Piccolo and Chiara Gamberale, Annalena was born in Ferrara in 1975, but has lived in Rome for years. He writes for «Il Foglio» dealing with culture and stories and also edits the weekly insert «Il Figlio». He published «Writing or life. Ten encounters within literature» (Rizzoli) and the anthology «The tales of women» and the book «Annalena» for Einaudi. For Rai you wrote and hosted programs such as «Romanzo italiano» and «Pietre d’inciampo». She is the wife of the journalist Mattia Feltri, director of HuffPost Italia.

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Mayor Lo Russo: choice shared with the Region

“We are happy to be able to start this new phase in the history of the Salone with you”. On social media, the mayor of Turin, Stefano Lo Russo, comments on Benini’s appointment. «A choice shared with the Piedmont Region and the Turin Cultural Association, Città del Libro»explains Lo Russo, underlining that «the figure of Annalena Benini was found to be the most suitable for us to play a fundamental role for what is a very important event for Turin and a point of reference for the whole world of culture».

«In addition to thanking Annalena for her willingness to take up this beautiful and important challenge, a special thanks also goes to Nicola Lagioiafor what she has done as director in recent years and for her willingness to immediately place herself at the disposal of the future director, supporting her in the initial stages of her new role and thus allowing the Salone to continue its growth under the banner of continuity «, concludes Lo Russo.

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