Home » “Conspired to Influence Election 2016”: Bragg Troubles Trump

“Conspired to Influence Election 2016”: Bragg Troubles Trump

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“Conspired to Influence Election 2016”: Bragg Troubles Trump

Donald Trump ha “orchestrated“a series of payments to choke three”embarrassing events” before the campaign for the presidential election of 2016. For this, said the Manhattan Attorney, Alvin Braggthe former president of the United States has been indicted by New York justice and will probably not be tried before January next year according to initial indications.

The words of the prosecutor Bragg

The alleged payments carried out by the tycoon to cover various personal events are “part of one conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election” by the tycoon, underlined the Manhattan prosecutor’s office in the key accusation leveled against the former American president.

Donald J. Trump has repeatedly and fraudulently forged corporate documents in New York to hide criminal behavior withholding incriminating information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election“, Bragg added to the dose.

Bragg, who read to the former president i 34 counts of indictment to which The Donald pleaded not guilty, he cited three payments. A custodian of Trump Tower would receive 30 thousand dollars not to mention a “hidden child” on which he claimed to have information. Then there would be the case of a woman who presented herself as a former lover of the tycoon, who would have received 150 thousand dollars. Finally, the now famous porn star Stormy Daniels would find space in the story, which he would have obtained 130 thousand dollars to keep quiet about an alleged extramarital affair with Trump.

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“Do not normalize criminal conduct”

Bragg defended his decision with an emblematic sentence: “We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct“. All the charges against Trump are in fact for the falsification of documents, and the former president has not been charged with conspiracy. And in the statement attached to the indictment it is stated that the falsification was made “to conceal criminal conduct to withhold information from the public during the 2016 presidential election“. In fact, always in the declaration, what is defined as one is denounced “schema” to suppress negative news and scoops for Trump and his campaign.

This scheme was illegal – Bragg said speaking to reporters – violated New York law, making it a felony to conspire to promote a candidacy by illegal means“. Bragg later recalled that Trump, instead of declaring payments to his then-lawyer Michael Cohen were for the money paid to Stormy Daniels, he claimed they were “fictitious legal services“. “It doesn’t matter who you are – concluded Bragg referring to the fact that Trump is a former president of the United Stateswe cannot normalize serious criminal conduct“.

Il giudice of the Manhattan court decided not to impose a ‘gag order’, i.e. the delivery of silence on the Trump-porn star case, but asked both parties to refrain from comments that could lead to civil unrest. The judge also asked to avoid words or behaviors that undermine the rule of law, reserving the right to review his decision in case of non-compliance with the two directives. Meanwhile Trump left after the indictment aboard his jet from LaGuardia Airport, bound for Mar-a-Lagowhere in the next few hours he will give a speech to his supporters.

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