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Military expert: Finland will strengthen NATO

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Military expert: Finland will strengthen NATO

Member number 31 is on board. The alliance wants to supply more ammunition to Ukraine. When she can ever join is open. Bernd Riegert from Brussels.

“We need weapons and ammunition.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj made this urgent request to German Economics Minister Robert Habeck during his visit to Ukraine on Monday. He had replied that he wanted to see what he could do. In fact, the EU and NATO countries are currently gathering up what ammunition they can spare from their stockpiles. Together they will then buy more ammunition for the Ukrainian army, which will have to defend itself against Russian attacks. At the NATO meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels, the USA became more specific. US diplomats have announced that 200,000 artillery shells and 23 million cartridges for rifles will be sent to Ukraine from US stocks in the short term. Worth about $500 million.

Another two billion dollars are earmarked for the purchase of ammunition for missile defense systems, radar and other weapons. “We are grateful for everything that the United States has provided, especially in recent months, to prepare our army for a counteroffensive,” said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who was attending the NATO session in Brussels. Russia continues its bombardment of the hard-fought eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut unabated. Ukraine plans to launch an offensive this spring to take back Ukrainian territory conquered by Russia and hold Bakhmut.

Kuleba: Ukraine belongs in NATO

NATO had invited the Ukrainian foreign minister to a formal meeting of the “NATO-Ukraine Commission”. This commission is also concerned with preparing Ukraine for membership in the alliance. It was the first session of this format since 2017. Hungary, a more pro-Russian NATO country and critical of NATO and European Union support for Ukraine, had expressed concerns about the formal session but ultimately did not veto it. The joint meeting is very important “politically and practically,” said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. He urged all NATO countries to speed up supplies of ammunition, artillery and heavy trucks so that counterattacks on Russian positions could begin quickly.

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Foreign Minister Kuleba worked to ensure that his country could join the alliance as soon as possible. There can only be security for NATO as a whole if Ukraine is a member. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was less enthusiastic. During the preparations for the spring meeting on Monday, he said that the first priority now should be Ukraine’s victory. Then you have to plan what should happen after the end of the war. “Basically, the door of NATO remains open,” Stoltenberg had repeatedly declared. Much to Russia’s annoyance, Ukraine and Georgia had already been promised membership at a summit meeting in Bucharest in 2008.

New era for Finland

Much faster, in a record-breaking eleven months, Finland achieved membership. In May 2022, under the impact of the Russian war against neighboring Ukraine, Finns and Swedes submitted their applications for membership and gave up neutrality for decades. This Tuesday, the 74th anniversary of NATO, which was founded in Washington in 1949, Finland joined the alliance. In the afternoon, Finnish President Sauli Niinistö saw his country’s flag, a blue cross on a white background, hoisted between Estonia and France on the new flagpole in front of the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels. NATO is strictly alphabetical.

When the Swedish flag can be hoisted between Spain and Turkey is still open. The Turkish government is still delaying the ratification of the necessary treaties because it believes Sweden tolerates Kurdish extremists in the country. The Hungarian parliament has not yet approved Sweden’s accession either.

Sweden member in July?

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said about Finland’s accession as the 31st member: “As NATO, we are gaining a strong partner on our side.” At the same time, she criticized Turkey: “It is also a day that I make no secret of the fact that I regret that Sweden could not join NATO today.” Annalena Baerbock made it clear that she now expects Sweden to join at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, in July.

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Finnish President Sauli Niinistö also said in his short speech that he was looking forward to welcoming Sweden in July. “We attach great importance to stability and security,” said Niinistö. “Nations can live happily in security and stability. As you know, we Finns are very lucky people.” The President was referring to the United Nations’ “World Happiness Report” in which Finland takes the top spot. “In these times, friends and allies are more important than ever,” noted NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “Finland now has the strongest allies in the world.”

Finland has never slimmed down defense

Military expert Henri Vanhanen from the Finnish Institute for International Politics in Helsinki told DW that Finland will strengthen NATO because of its relatively large and well-equipped armed forces. “After the Cold War, when most countries downsized their military or abolished conscription, Finland did exactly the opposite. We bought fighter jets and Leopard tanks and kept conscription. And just in the past few weeks, Finland has modernized its air force again,” says Henri Vanhanen. “Finland has always had the concept of comprehensive defense. We will now contribute to collective defense. Now we don’t do it alone anymore,” said Sauli Niinistö, summarizing his country’s strategy. “This is a new era,” says Niinistö. According to military officials at headquarters, Finland’s integration into NATO’s military processes is not a problem. It is still unclear when Finland will send its own troops to NATO’s eastern flank in the Baltic States or to the Black Sea, and whether NATO facilities will be relocated to Finland.

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The Kremlin reacted to the new northern flank with vague hints. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the enlargement affects the interests of the Russian Federation. “We’ve always said that and we still do that. And of course that forces us to take countermeasures to strengthen our security – both tactically and strategically,” said Peskow. The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant against his employer, President Vladimir Putin, for alleged war crimes.

Author: Bernd Riegert

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