Home » The claim of a partner of the murdered driver to Berni: “No one takes care of us”

The claim of a partner of the murdered driver to Berni: “No one takes care of us”

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The claim of a partner of the murdered driver to Berni: “No one takes care of us”

After the attacks suffered during the protest for the murder of the driver Daniel Barrientos of line 620, the Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Sergio Bernihad a dialogue on television with another bus driver from the same company, who claimed that “crimes are increasing” and? “politicians do nothing”.

“I was listening to the statistics that the minister says and I do not agree. He says that they have been working since 2015 and that the statistics are going down, but We who are on the streets know that crimes are becoming more and more“, raised the worker, identified as Antonio, during the program We are good by All News.

The bus driver made reference to some previous statements by Berni in which he defined security in the province of Buenos Aires as “a chronic patient, because it is not a topic of today, nor of yesterday.” “It is a system that became more complicated and in 2015 it began to be solved”he claimed.

“We have no one to take care of us. We work in fear”the driver claimed and added: “When the Alcaraz thing happened, five years ago, They promised us a lot of things and didn’t deliver anything. They blame each other. It is time for them to put political differences aside and sit down to talk, because the people are asking them for security.”

He also stressed that “they don’t do anything, or at least we don’t see it”to which the minister avoided directly confronting the worker and was understanding, while recalling the measures that were taken at that time, in 2018, after the death of another driver that also occurred in Virrey del Pino.

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Sergio Berni spoke of “ambush”, pointed against Eugenio Burzaco and raised doubts about the crime of the bus driver

“We held a meeting with Minister Ritondo to support him in his search for what they claimed were the cameras”Berni pointed out and expanded: “The effort that Kicillof made to deliver the money and on January 4 the Minister of Transportation of the province of Buenos Aires intimidated the Chambers of Transportation to place those cameras.”

Along the same lines, he stressed that “they were even intimidated by telling them that the incorporation of the cameras became one more point of control to obtain VTV.”

We understand the anger, the anger, the indignation, we know what it is to be on the street. Crime may have gone down, but the degree of violence there is not in dispute. The most alarming of all this is the increase in violence, which occurs because there is a very large social state of tension,” the official explained.

The attack on Sergio Berni during the demonstrations for the murder of Daniel Barrientos.

On the other hand, the worker of line 620 continued with his questions and reproached the minister for the lack of control over the implementation of security measures in the buses: “They say that the government of the Province of Buenos Aires sent a sum of money to companies for cameras. We don’t know who is lying“.

“If he sent it, he is supposed to follow up to see if that money went where it belongs, because nothing was done and they keep killing us comrades,” Antonio claimed

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Before his questioning, Berni concluded: “Is right. Governor Kicillof presented the documentation yesterday to the general secretary of the UTA. And on January 4, the Buenos Aires Minister of Transportation ordered the companies to report how they spent the money that had the sole purpose of placing the security cameras.”


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