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Weather in Holy Week: the heat returns to Buenos Aires

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Weather in Holy Week: the heat returns to Buenos Aires

This year, Easter will take place between April 6 and 9 and will have a increase in temperatures that will allow the inhabitants of the AMBA have a good time with the family outdoors during the long weekendalthough with some clouds.

After the drop in temperatures accompanied by light rainfall, the National Metereological Service reported that the thermal values ​​rise again, climbing up to a maximum around 30°.

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The temperatures will begin to increase gradually from Thursday, increasing the minimum and maximum by one or two degrees until reaching the Holy Sundaywhich will be the hottest day of the week.

Despite rising temperatures, the cloudiness in the AMBA It will continue throughout the week, preventing the radiant sun from adding to the high values, causing hot days.

What will the weather be like at Easter?

He holy Thursday will have a pleasant day, with thermal marks that will remain between 17° and 25°. It will be mostly cloudy and there will be winds that will come from the northeast sector.

For his part, he friday and saturday the values ​​will increase by one degree and will have a similar climate, with temperatures that will be around between 18° and 27°along with a partly cloudy sky.

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He Easter Sunday will have the highest temperatures of the week, with values ​​ranging from 19° to 29°. It will also continue to be partly cloudy and will have winds from the east sector.

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How will the weather continue in April?

The National Weather Service published the quarterly weather forecast for the months of April, May and June. This report indicates how the temperatures and precipitations will evolve with respect to the normal values ​​of the time.

During this quarter there is a greater possibility of registering above normal temperatures in the NOA (Argentine Northwest), in the region of Cuyo, Córdoba, the center-south of Santa Fe and Entre Ríos.

National Metereological Service

While in the north of the Litoral, Buenos Aires and La Pampa there are probabilities of normal or slightly higher temperatures.

For their part, the rainfall They will occur in a higher than normal way over the north and northwest provinces of the country, Córdoba, west of Santa Fé, east of San Luis, La Pampa and a large part of Buenos Aires.

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