Home » If you always have a water bottle with you, be careful: check this detail, you could get intoxicated and you don’t know it

If you always have a water bottle with you, be careful: check this detail, you could get intoxicated and you don’t know it

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If you always have a water bottle with you, be careful: check this detail, you could get intoxicated and you don’t know it

Pay attention to this detail of your water bottle. Do the necessary checks, because you could risk poisoning yourself. What do you have to do

Water bottles have become an essential accessory for many people, especially those who practice sports or outdoor activities. They are comfortable to carry and allow you to maintain hydration during physical activity. Also, eco-friendly water bottles have become popular due to their sustainability and to the reduction of plastic waste.

Water bottle: be careful, it could cause you health problems – Grantennistoscana.it

The water bottles are available in different materials, including plastic, stainless steel, glass and aluminum. Plastic is cheap, but many people prefer stronger and more durable materials, such as stainless steel or aluminum. However, glass has become a popular choice for those who prefer to avoid contact with chemicals found in other materials.

Water bottle and cleaning, do this or risk poisoning

Although water bottles are very useful, it is important to emphasize that cleaning is a fundamental aspect for their correct conservation. A study showed that of the bottles used in the gym, bacteria like it were found in 83% of the cases Staphylococcus or Escherichia coli. This shows that water bottles can become a breeding ground for the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms harmful to health.

Water bottle: how to clean it to avoid damage to health – Grantennistoscana.it

To ensure proper cleaning of the bottle, it is possible wash it by hand with hot water and soap. However, if the bottle is washable in the dishwasher, you can also use it this way. Furthermore, to disinfect the bottle, you can use vinegar or baking soda. Simply fill the water bottle with a solution of vinegar or baking soda and let it sit for about an hour. Afterwards, rinse well with warm water and let it air dry.

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Bottom line, water bottles are a useful and sustainable accessory, but their cleaning is a fundamental aspect for maintaining the user’s health. To ensure proper hygiene, it is important to wash the bottle regularly with hot soapy water and disinfect it with vinegar or baking soda. In this way, it will be possible to use the bottle in complete safety and maintain your health.

They are all quite quick methods to apply and incredibly effective. You could get immediate benefits, simply using more or less advanced cleaning systems to remove every single bacterial residue. The experts were clear, even if you only drink water you risk encountering viruses that are very dangerous for your body. Prevention is never too mucheven in these cases.

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