Home » Vittorio Sgarbi’s revelation: “Before his illness, Berlusconi wanted to found a new party with Calenda”

Vittorio Sgarbi’s revelation: “Before his illness, Berlusconi wanted to found a new party with Calenda”

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Vittorio Sgarbi’s revelation: “Before his illness, Berlusconi wanted to found a new party with Calenda”

For Vittorio Sgarbi with the hospitalization of Silvio Berlusconi many things have changed. «Today there is widespread awareness that Berlusconi, not so much for the political dimension as for the sporting and entrepreneurial one, has become, for better or for worse, a piece of national heritage. It’s as if every Italian saw in him a piece of himself, something to be proud of, I’ll tell you. The citizen loves him as he loves himself Mastroianni o Tarantinohe says to Libero today. The affection, according to the parliamentarian and art critic, is such that «today there is, on the part of everyone, almost a sense of regret. Right now they are all around his bed: friends, women, relatives, children but it is the bed of all Italians. As if a relative, a father, a grandfather died. In the case of Andreotti, to tell you, it was not like that». But Sgarbi in the conversation with Francesco Specchia says more. The professor reveals that Berlusconi told him that he wanted to take care of himself and his health more. Because he was aware that at 90 it would have been difficult to reapply. But he didn’t think of giving up politics altogether: «Well, he was talking to me about thinking of a“ Forza Italia Foundation ”to be inserted into a large new Republican Party detached from FdI and Lega. A sort of distinctive party that reaches up to Calenda (which certainly cannot be with the left). Turned on by Berlusconi in the role of great old man and inspirer. This he told me before hospitalization, even more so now…».

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