Home » Israel, Parini’s mother: “I begged him not to leave”. Rockets from Syria

Israel, Parini’s mother: “I begged him not to leave”. Rockets from Syria

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Israel, Parini’s mother: “I begged him not to leave”.  Rockets from Syria

Alessandro Parini Tel Aviv

Alessandro Parini’s mother: “I didn’t want him to leave”. Crosetto: “Meloni pivot of the dialogue in the Middle East”

The group of Italians involved in the Tel Aviv attack in which 35-year-old Alessandro Parini was killed, according to what breaking latest news learns, he has returned to Italy. In Israel he was one of two wounded. Meanwhile, Corriere della Sera reports that “the mother did not want Alessandro to leave for Israel. She was afraid that there would be an attack. A premonition that accompanied their entire journey to Fiumicino airport last Friday morning. No one, not just the two of them, could imagine that it would be the last moment spent together. “I accompanied him,” Nicoletta Ciocca confirms to Corriere.

On the political front, La Stampa interviewed Guido Crosetto, according to whom “Giorgia Meloni, with her leadership, can and must be a pivot for dialogue in Israel, as well as in Lebanon and Egypt. Italy can contribute to the stabilization of that area, because it enjoys “respect and attention”, as the Lebanese government assured me. And I perceived the same in Saudi Arabia, in the United Arab Emirates, in Egypt. Meloni has the opportunity to take on this challenge which is fundamental, also from a European point of view”.

Israel responds with rocket artillery from Syria

Israel responded with artillery strikes on Syria to rockets fired on the Golan Heights. Israel’s attack and missile attacks from Syria – which no one has claimed – are the latest episode in the escalation of violence in the region. “In response to rockets fired by Syria on Israel today, IDF artillery is currently shelling Syrian territory,” the army tweeted. You are the rockets launched. At least one was intercepted by the Israeli air defense system. The wave of violence and unrest comes as the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, Passover and Christian Easter coincide.

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On Wednesday, Israeli police raided the prayer hall of Al-Aqsa mosque, Islam’s third holiest site, in a raid aimed at hunting down “masked agitators of law-breaking youths” who they say are they were barricaded inside. The next day, more than 30 rockets were fired from Lebanese soil towards Israel, which the Israeli military blamed on Palestinian groups, saying it was most likely Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip. Israel then bombed Gaza and southern Lebanon, targeting “terror infrastructure” it said belonged to Hamas.

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