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“We are not going to make blows”: Zapateiro

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“We are not going to make blows”: Zapateiro

General (r) Eduardo Zapateiro, assured that he is not a warmongering general, as some have called him, and also said that they are not going to carry out coups as some imagine.

General (r) Eduardo Zapateiro, former commander of the National Army, gave an interview to Semana magazine in which he defended his decision to retire before the change of government and not work hand in hand with President Gustavo Petro. The general mentioned that he does not regret the decision he made, since over time he has realized that he would not have been able to work with the president or his cabinet members. He also mentioned that he fully trusts the Army and the heads that lead today.

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Zapateiro assured that he is not a warmongering general, as some have branded him. In addition, he said that there are not going to be coups as some imagine and that there are responsible generals in the National Army.

The retired general criticized President Petro and urged him to focus on governing the way the country should be governed, with great detail, and not with resentment, hatred and ideological passions that, according to Zapateiro, are already sent to pick up.

It should be remembered that General Zapateiro was commander of the National Army between December 2019 and July 20, 2022, when he decided to retire before the change of government and after a series of criticisms he sent to the then senator and candidate Gustavo Petro in the midst of of the presidential campaign.

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