Home » Wei Jianhua, chairman of the hotel association, called for this move to protect democracy and the rule of law

Wei Jianhua, chairman of the hotel association, called for this move to protect democracy and the rule of law

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Wei Jianhua, chairman of the hotel association, called for this move to protect democracy and the rule of law

Wei Jianhua, chairman of the Taipei City Hotel Association, held a press conference and said that the government designated daily renters to clean up the hotel association. It is necessary to remember the memory of the late President Chiang Kai-shek, and the spirit will be immortal, and Easter will come. Wei Jianhua pointed out that the government should avoid the 10 omnipotence, express apology to the members of the hotel association to elect supervisors, and punish those who neglect their duties, so as to ensure democracy and the rule of law and resolve conflicts.

Wei Jianhua mentioned that the city government lacks democracy and the rule of law and mistook the city government for a court. Mayor Chiang was mistaken for the president of the court. Little did he know that the administration must avoid violating private rights in order to ensure democracy. Executive power must avoid violating judicial power to ensure the rule of law.

The Jiang Municipal Government lacks legal literacy, illegally adjudicates the election qualifications of the association’s directors and supervisors, and contradicts the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court’s joint meeting of judges and division chiefs on January 26, 2015. Serious violation of Article 14 of the Constitution guarantees assembly and association and Article 15 of the Constitution guarantees the right to work and the right to life.

Wei Jianhua said that on January 30, 2012, 30 members of the board of directors and supervisors of the association went to the municipal government to pay a visit to the director of the social bureau who had just taken office. During the meeting, they informed in person that an election had been held on March 14, 2011, and reported it to the society. Bureau, ask Director Yao to investigate and handle it according to law. In theory, the two sides have no disputes.

*This article is purely an interview and does not represent the position of the agency or the reporter.

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