Home » First the stalking, then the loss of the children. And she kills herself. Now the prosecutor is asking for a trial for the ex-partner

First the stalking, then the loss of the children. And she kills herself. Now the prosecutor is asking for a trial for the ex-partner

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First the stalking, then the loss of the children.  And she kills herself.  Now the prosecutor is asking for a trial for the ex-partner

Ardenno (Sondrio) – It was the October 31, 2020 when Sabrina Dell’Agostino, 46 ​​years old, di Ardenno, exasperated, feeling alone and abandoned with her two little children, from a previous relationship, tried to ask for help for the umpteenth time, for the threats and blows of the very jealous man with whom he had established a relationship, staging an awkward attempt to take his own life with gas.

For that episode, she was subjected to a restrictive measure and investigated for attempted double homicide of the children and, after a year and a half, in maggio 2022was found dead, hanged in the cellar of her house, the same in which the story of the small gas leak had occurred. A dramatic news story that leapt into the national news of newspapers and television, then anticipated by “Il Giorno”.

“The children – he explains the lawyer Valentina Baruffi from Sondrio who had taken care of her and also become her friend – they were her only reason for living and they had been taken from heron the occasion of that fake suicide attempt (windows open, gas tap immediately closed, power disconnected from her and the little ones driven out of the house to ask for help from the neighbours) and subjected to a social shelter (which is not related to health reasons, but to the fact that no one could, in those days, take care of them) and taken to a protected community, in Valtellina, with a path prescribed to the mother and faithfully followed by the same until the last , whose goal was the rapprochement with his children. A path strongly hindered, in my opinion, by the‘Child Protection Office, a Tutela who blamed her at every encounter, demonstrating that she did not know how to listen to her many SOSs. An Office that had communicated to her, a few days ago, that it had decided to entrust the children to other parents with the formula ofhetero-family custody, perhaps even separating them from each other, i.e. the boy in one family nucleus and the little sister in another, thus making the separation from the mother even heavier, who supported them by doing tailoring, wood crafts and the dog-dog business. sitter, mother to whom they were very close and vice versa”.

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The Valtellinese lawyer Baruffi turned to the Public Prosecutor’s Office to “ask for justice for the children and for Sabrina, also a victim of the press release which on November 22, 2022, after the simulated suicide attempt of her with her little children at home, a press release full of totally imaginative and false details was disseminated to journalists by the police who intervened in Ardenno, as indeed emerged from the investigation papers”. After the gas episode, Sabrina wrote to prosecutors again: “I want mine ‘red shoes’ let them not go unheard yet”.

Now, in the last few hours, we have learned that the Prosecutor of Sondrio, after having carried out a difficult job in the utmost secrecy which involved several magistrates coordinated by the prosecutor Piero Basilone, he closed the investigation against the former partner of the woman, what Sabrina Dell’Agostino had left because she was tired of “being hostage to her violence”, for which she had long been asking for support, also with complaints and letters. The magistrates are now asking that Marco Piccagnoni, 55 years old, of Sondrio, is tried for the hypotheses of abuse in the family from May 2019 to October 2020, sexual assault dating from the same period and then for stalking between November 2021 and May of the following year.

It does not appear that the Prosecutor has accused the death by the voluntary act of causality, that is, the predictability that Sabrina would commit suicide as a result of the abuse and stalking. Contrary, therefore, to what the lawyer Baruffi asked, according to which she “we are faced with a typical case of death as a result of another crime”. In the opinion, on the other hand, of the defendant’s defender, there are not even the elements in support of the imputations moved by the prosecutors. “The accusations made against my client – the lawyer Giuseppe Romualdi limits himself to saying – do not stand. I am confident about the outcome of the preliminary hearing, even if obviously I am not overwhelmed by a forecast”.

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