Home » Eggs are delicious, but how much to eat a week? We have always done everything wrong | That’s the right amount

Eggs are delicious, but how much to eat a week? We have always done everything wrong | That’s the right amount

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Eggs are delicious, but how much to eat a week?  We have always done everything wrong |  That’s the right amount

Eggs are an excellent source of vitamins and proteins: in terms of quantity, how many eggs can you eat per week?

Among the protein sources most loved by sportsmen, we certainly find the egg. It is in fact a food rich in vitamins and mineral salts necessary for the correct development of the muscles. At the same time, let’s talk about a particularly demonized ingredient, especially in relation to the cholesterol contained in the yolk. The dose recommended by popular wellness culture does not exceed two eggs a week.

How many eggs to eat a week? Let’s find out together – radio7.it

We refer to a debate that contains numerous arguments in both cases: some, for example, consume two eggs a day, generally for breakfast, especially where the subject in question has to face heavy sessions in the gym. Ignorance and lack of research of information therefore lead us to reduce food consumptionchoosing ingredients that paradoxically are much less healthy (red meat for example).

At this point, it is appropriate to analyze together the benefits and side effects of frequent intake of eggs: like everything else, it is sufficient not to abuse the food, always leaning towards a healthy, balanced and above all varied. Let’s explore the topic together based on the opinion of the experts.

How many eggs can you eat per week? The opinion of nutritionists

Are eggs bad for you? The rational answer to the question remains negative. As we have anticipated previously, we refer to an ingredient rich in vitamins and beneficial substances for the body: in addition to a substantial dose of protein we find for example the LUTEIN and the zeaxanthin – antioxidants useful for counteracting the onset of vision-related diseases (cataracts and macular degeneration for example); there hill – real nourishment for the brain and liver; and finally a substantial amount of waterresponsible for the correct functioning of the organism.

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How many eggs can you eat per week?  The opinion of nutritionists
How many eggs can you eat per week? The opinion of nutritionists – radio7.it

Can everyone eat them? In this case, the answer must instead be articulated. We have specified the beneficial substances contained in them, however we must also talk about the cholesterol contained in the yolk. Who is not subject to problems related to excess of LDL can therefore consume it in abundance, on the contrary those who do not have perfect blood tests should reduce their intake. It is therefore an aspect that must be modulated according to the physical conditions of the subject in question.

In any case – for a person without particular pathologies – the recommended dose reaches a maximum of five eggs per week, basically one a day except on weekends. It remains a recommended food for all those who follow an active and dynamic lifestyle: for sportsmen, but also for employees who are used to moving around and going several hours without eating – this is because eggs promote a sense of satiety and allow the body to accumulate the right amount of energy and nutrients.

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