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Ready for Challenger in South Africa

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Ready for Challenger in South Africa

The sisters Ángela Alzate and Daniela Moncada, Risaraldenses in the Colombian rugby team

Julian Andres Santa

Risaraldense rugby continues to be present in the main sports events not only nationally, but also internationally, thanks to the good processes that its athletes have been carrying out in recent years, which with sacrifice and effort, continue to bear fruit. This is how once again the sisters Ángela Alzate and Daniela Moncada will carry the flag of the department and the country in the Colombian Women’s Tucanes team, which is preparing for the competition in South Africa, starting next Thursday, April 20.


Both athletes come from recently playing in Barranquilla the qualifier for the National Games, where Risaralda already has its place guaranteed for being the venue. However, the athletes want to continue improving their level, as expressed by Ángela Alzate. “I am happy to be summoned with the national team again, a very important competition is coming up that the Challenger there in South Africa, they are going to play two weekends, obviously what we are looking for is to continue growing as players, to continue raising our level of play, we hope have a very good performance and that we have the best results and bring him to Risaralda to continue working”.

This Friday, April 14, the women’s national team will travel to Cape Town, South Africa.


Ángela confesses that with the passage of time she has been exceeding her expectations and with this call-up, she already completes seven in the Colombian team, in its three modalities of 15-a-side, sevens and beach rugby. “The whole process was very surprising from my first call, after being and having been in the first one, one already acquires a responsibility with the process and with oneself and is always working to be better, to contribute, so yes everything has It has been very surprising and from there I work day by day and thank God the fruits have been borne in these months of being able to be there and continue climbing in short steps but I have been getting into several important tournaments with the national team and obviously it has been very rewarding in my sports career”, pointed out the Risaraldense.

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For her part, Daniela Moncada, who completes six years as a member of the Tucanes women’s team, signified what this contest represents in Cape Town. “For this opportunity we first thank God, it’s very big, we started the year with a lot of competition, there we will be able to measure ourselves and see how the team has grown with the new coach we have, with the new bases we are forming”.

Daniela Moncada and Ángela Alzate, sisters who represent Risaraldense rugby to the world.


There have already been several sports events in which Ángela and Daniela have been able to share, either representing Risaralda or on this occasion the country. “Very happy for the opportunity to be able to share the field with my sister, really happy for that immense moment, there are two weekends that we are going to have competition, three weeks that we will be outside of Colombia, I think it will be a a very nice tournament for us and it will help us form the team much better and hope to have the best results to see reflected everything we have been working on”, pointed out Daniela Moncada.

Called up by the Tucanes Women’s Colombian National Team: Valentina Álvarez, Ángela Alzate, Daniela Alzate, María Arzuaga, Leidy Soto, Karina Bagui, Madi Córdoba, Leidy García, Camila Lopera, Juliana Soto, Laura Mejía, Zuleima Orobio and Valetina Tapias.

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